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EcoTort Theatre

Oct 26, 2011, 7:49:05 PM10/26/11



It would seem that:-


1. by means of extensive criminal malpractice, the world's major banks have assumed financial control over nearly all of the world's governments.


2. they have assumed near infinite financial wealth by charging untold interest on loans of virtual money which was created therby - through the stupendous criminal fraud known as "fractional reserve banking".


3. the banks are financing heinous "agravated criminal damage and destruction of the environment" we all share " by means of criminal industrial piracy.


4. furthermore they are guilty of criminal economic exclusion of lawful organic & sustainable permaculture theory and practice, the general 'excuse' being that it is not financially viable. The financial arguments used are based upon fraudulently created virtual money and lawfully unenforceable contracts to commit "agravated criminal damage and destruction of the environment".


5. When combined, points 1 to 4 above clearly constitute "criminal global economic slavery" by the bankers, in other words: "we are in criminal bondage to destroy our planet!"


As in North Dakota, USA, bankers must be public servants, not agents of unlawful free-market enterprise including salvery.


7. The only necessary criteria for a public servant's finances, is that all those  finances be open to public scrutiny. Any concealment may constitute a criminal offence punishable in law.


the european union is taking the humanity out of europe


Noblesse Oblige.


26. The process of enslavement and, in many cases, the treatment of victims of slavery, servile status and forced labour are often accompanied by other violations of human rights. For example, THE CLASSIC PROCESS OF ENSLAVEMENT, INVOLVING either abduction or RECRUITMENT THROUGH FALSE PROMISES (education?) OR DUPLICITY, involves a violation of the individual’s right to liberty and security of person, as

guaranteed by article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as, in many cases, a violation of the right of a person deprived of his/her liberty to be treated with humanity and of the right not to be subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment (eg, working in an industry which is damaging and/or destroying the environment you live in).



The Supplementary Convention of 1956 explicitly prohibits “the act of mutilating, branding or otherwise marking a slave or a person of servile status in order to indicate his status, or as a punishment, or for any other reason” (art. 5).  (BAR CODES AND PROPOESED MICROCHIPPING OF HUMANS!)




27. Victims of slavery, servile status and forced labour are, almost by definition, deprived of their right under article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to liberty of movement and freedom to choose their residence. ALMOST INVARIABLY, THEY ARE DEPRIVED OF OR PREVENTED FROM EXERCISING THEIR RIGHT OF ACCESS TO THE COURTS AND TO A FAIR TRIAL 31 BY THEIR OWNERS, CONTROLLERS, EMPLOYERS OR BY THE AUTHORITIES THEMSELVES.




28. …Virtually all cases involve violations of the victims’ freedom of expression, their right to receive and impart information, their right of peaceful assembly and their freedom of association.




29.. . . on the death of former slaves, the families of their former owners still intervene to take possession of their property – sometimes with the author-

ity of the courts – thus preventing the heirs of former slaves from inheriting. (DEATH DUTIES ? )




33. The Supplementary Convention of 1956 categorizes serfdom as a form of “servile status”, and defines it as “the condition or status of a tenant who is by law, custom or agreement bound to live and labour on land belonging to another person and to render some determinate service to such other person, whether for reward or not, and is not free to change his status” (art. 1(b)). Land tenure systems viewed in all their aspects – legal, economic, social and political – can in certain circumstances be seen as oppressive power relationships arising from ownership or use of land and disposition of its products to create forms of servitude and bondage.




34. Records of discussions that occurred both in the United Nations and in the ILO before the adoption of the Supplementary Convention in 1956 indicate that the term “serfdom” was intended to apply to a range of practices reported in Latin American countries and more generally referred to as “peonage”. Those practices, which had developed in a context of conquest, subjugation of indigenous peoples, and seizure of their lands, involved a landowner granting a piece of land to an individual “serf” or “peon” in return for specific services, including (1) providing the landowner with a proportion of the crop at harvest (INTEREST CHARGED ON A MORTGAGE!)), (2) working for the landowner or (3) doing other work, for example domestic chores for the landowner’s household. In each case, it is not the provision of labour in return for access to land that is in itself considered a form of servitude, but the inability of the person of serf status to leave that status. The term “serfdom” and its prohibition in the Supplementary Convention appear applicable to a range of practices that still occur today but are rarely recognized or described in the countries concerned as “serfdom”, as the term is linked by many to the political and economic order of medieval Europe.





35. In some cases the status of “serf” is hereditary, affecting entire families on a permanent basis,

while in others it is linked to and reinforced by debt bondage; in the latter case those affected are

obliged to continue working for their landowner on account of debts they supposedly owe as well

as on account of their tenant status.




1. by means of extensive criminal malpractice, it seems that the world's major banks have assumed financial control over nearly all of the world's governments.


2. they have assumed near infinite financial wealth by charging untold interest on loans of virtual money which was created therby - through the stupendous criminal fraud known as "fractional reserve banking".


3. the banks are financing heinous "agravated criminal damage and destruction of the environment" we all share " by means of criminal industrial piracy.


4. they are guilty of criminal economic exclusion of lawful organic & sustainable permaculture theory and practice, the 'excuse' being that it is not financially viable. The financial arguments used are based upon fraudulently created virtual money and legally unenforceable contracts to commit "agravated criminal damage and destruction of the environment".


5. when combined, points 1 to 4 above constitute criminal economic slavery by the bankers, in other words: "we are in criminal bondage to destroy our planet!"



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