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EcoTort Theatre

Jan 16, 2012, 4:04:25 PM1/16/12
to ecotort...@googlegroups.com

re LSX, in particular, see point 5 below

1 all the money in the world is virtual, of no real consequence whatsoever, therefore there is no REAL economic reason for anything, eg: why we cannot feed, clothe, house, educate and employ every person alive on the Earth today

2. all the money in the world has been created by the monstrous FRAUD aka "fractional reserve banking". FRAUD IS A CRIME, and under the "Proceeds of Crime Act 2002" it can, and ACCORDING TO IRREFUTABLE PRINCIPLES OF UNIVERSAL LAW, be seized by the courts ALL AROUND THE WORLD, and placed in the Public Purse where it rightfully belongs; ie, there is no basis whatsoever for any "AUSTERITY" or "CUTS".

3. all the worlds governments are Criminal according to Universal and Irrefutable Principles of Law (Aggravated Criminal Damage). Hence it is unlawful to pay tax in any country of the World, unless and until the respective governments cease their CRIMINAL acts and omissions.

4. any contract to damage or destroy the environment WITHOUT LAWFUL EXCUSE (which DOES NOT INCLUDE " ECONOMIC" considerations), is VOID AND UNENFORCEABLE IN LAW, eg the Mortgage contract, the Job-Seekers' "agreement", any contract between the IMF, the World Bank, any Multi-National company, or National Government, etc . . . ,  to damage or destroy the environment WITHOUT LAWFUL EXCUSE, IS A VOID CONTRACT AND IS UNENFORCEABLE IN LAW. ALSO ANY PERSONS WILFULLY SIGNING SUCH CONTRACTS ARE SUBJECT TO MAXIMUM LIFE IMPRISONMENT

5. the Police Oath is "to protect Life and Property, and to Uphold the Law. The most serious threat to life and property, and the most serious breach of the Law (Aggravated Criminal Damage) are both due to un-necessary and unreasonable environmental damage and destruction. Hence every Police officer should be a committed eco-activist, and conversely, anyone who is an eco-activist is upholding the Police Oath (Please [sic] arrest, and take me to court for upholding the Police Oath !  - relevant to holding the space at St Pauls and all other occupied spaces around the world ???!!!! :) 

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