Talk / lecture on Fintech Industry

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Sep 6, 2023, 8:45:11 AM9/6/23
to econschool
Are you interested in a talk / lecture on Fintech Industry Overview covering the following:

1. What is Fintech?
2. Recent trends and reasons for it
3. Key Revenue Models
4. How they differ from Banks?
5. Risk Management
6. Regulatory environment
7. The way ahead

Online Talk date and timings: Sep 09, 11 AM - 12.30 PM

About the speaker: - Priyadarshi Dutta

- 18+ years of experience in the field of Risk Management and Data Analytics in financial sector

- Held Senior Leadership Positions in American Express, RBL Bank and Stashfin (Fintech NBFC). Worked with multiple organisations like HSBC, EXL Services, Opera Solutions Management Consulting in culturally diverse teams.

- Expertise areas include Chief Risk Officer role, Credit Risk Management, Development of Risk Appetite Framework, Portfolio Analytics, Risk Governance, Setting up of  Risk and Analytics Functions

- Alumni of Delhi School of Economics

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