Learning Complex Adaptive System with Ticketing

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Dante Monson

Jul 9, 2024, 5:46:17 AMJul 9
to econ...@googlegroups.com
The process dimensions module is more experimental.

For the rest:

This code defines a complex adaptive system (CAS) simulation. Here's a breakdown of the key parts:


  • Message: Represents a message sent between agents with sender ID, receiver ID, content and semantic information.
  • ProcessDimension: Tracks an agent's consciousness type (e.g., trusting, addicted) based on properties like trust and love.
  • Task: Represents a task with ID, description, priority, assignee agent ID, and status.
  • DistributedLedger: Stores the system's transaction history.
  • ICCN: Simulates a secure communication network for agents.
  • Agent (Base class): Defines core functionalities for all agents like performing tasks, receiving messages, and deciding actions.
  • LearningAgent (inherits from Agent): Learns from experience using techniques like Q-learning and K-Means clustering.
  • PlanningAgent (inherits from Agent): Simulates planning for tasks using Monte Carlo Tree Search.
  • MetaLearningAgent (inherits from LearningAgent): Learns which learning algorithm performs best under different conditions.
  • TicketingAgent (inherits from Agent): Specialized agent for handling tickets.
  • EnvironmentalAgent (inherits from Agent): Monitors and stores environmental data.
  • SocialAgent (inherits from Agent): Simulates emotions and manages relationships with other agents.
  • ReplayAgent (inherits from Agent): Stores and learns from past experiences.
  • CoordinationAgent (inherits from Agent): Negotiates and assigns tasks based on workload.
  • SemanticLayer: Interprets messages based on their semantic information.
  • Governance: Defines and enforces rules for agent behavior.
  • DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): Enables agents to submit and vote on proposals.
  • AIContextManager: Analyzes context and chooses actions based on AI algorithms.
  • DataAnalytics: Preprocesses, analyzes, and detects anomalies in data.
  • MachineLearning: Trains and evaluates machine learning models.
  • AgentBehaviorEvolution: Tracks and analyzes the evolution of agent behavior.
  • ChaosEngineering: Injects faults and failures to simulate real-world conditions.

ComplexAdaptiveSystem Class:

  • Manages the overall simulation by:
    • Adding and managing agents.
    • Processing messages exchanged between agents.
    • Assigning tasks to agents.
    • Simulating task execution.
    • Collecting performance metrics.
    • Performing self-enhancement using defined algorithms.
    • Coordinating agent interactions through protocols.
    • Evolving agent behaviors over time.
    • Enforcing governance rules.
    • Processing DAO proposals.
    • Adapting based on AI-managed context.
    • Analyzing data and training machine learning models.
    • Simulating chaos engineering events.
    • Creating and managing tasks.

This is a complex system, but hopefully, this breakdown gives you a general idea of how the different parts work together to simulate a CAS.

00.00.08 Basic Learning System with Ticketing.txt

Dante Monson

Jul 9, 2024, 6:36:11 AMJul 9
to econ...@googlegroups.com
Sorry, as always, missing code ( I need to keep asking the AI if it did not omit anything ) 
00.00.13 Basic Learning System with Ticketing More Complete with Modal Logic and Process Dimensions More Complete.txt

Dante Monson

Jul 9, 2024, 6:40:34 AMJul 9
to econ...@googlegroups.com
description :

Functionalities and Emergent Properties in the Multi-Agent Simulation Framework

This framework allows for simulating complex multi-agent systems with various functionalities. Here's a breakdown of how different modules contribute to the emergence of interesting properties:

Core Modules:

  • Message and Task Management: These modules (Message and Task classes) enable agents to communicate and collaborate. Sharing information and tasks allows for division of labor and coordinated action.

  • Process Dimension: This tracks internal states like trust, love, and thankfulness. It influences behavior and creates dynamic social interactions. Over time, these interactions can lead to the emergence of social structures and norms.

Agent Types:

  • Learning and Planning Agents: These agents (LearningAgent, PlanningAgent) use algorithms to adapt to their environment and make optimal decisions. Their learning process can lead to the emergence of collective intelligence as the overall system gets better at handling challenges.

  • Social and Coordination Agents: These agents (SocialAgent, CoordinationAgent) manage relationships, negotiate tasks, and adapt behavior based on social cues. This can lead to cooperation, competition, and the formation of social hierarchies within the agent population.

  • Environmental and Data-Storing Agents: These agents (EnvironmentalAgent, ReplayAgent) collect and store data. Analyzing this data (DataAnalytics, MachineLearning) can reveal patterns in agent behavior and environmental conditions. These insights can be used to improve individual and collective behavior.

Infrastructure Modules:

  • Distributed Ledger and ICCN: These simulate secure data storage and communication networks. They ensure the integrity of information flow and potentially lead to the emergence of trust and secure collaboration within the system.

  • Semantic Layer: This interprets messages based on meaning. It allows agents with different capabilities to understand each other, facilitating better communication and potentially leading to the emergence of a shared language or communication protocol.

Governance and Decision-Making:

  • Governance and DAO: These modules define rules and voting processes. They help maintain order and allow agents to collectively make decisions, potentially leading to the emergence of a form of collective governance within the simulated society.

Emergent Properties:

The interaction of these modules can give rise to emergent properties - complex behaviors that arise from the bottom-up without explicit programming. Here are some potential examples:

  • Social Structures: Social interactions (Process Dimension, SocialAgent) may lead to the formation of groups, hierarchies, or alliances within the agent population.

  • Collective Intelligence: Learning and adaptation (LearningAgent, PlanningAgent) of individual agents can lead to the system becoming more efficient at solving problems as a whole.

  • Cultural Norms: Repeated interactions and communication (Message, Process Dimension) may lead to the establishment of shared behavioral patterns or norms within the agent population.

  • Artificial Economies: Task assignment and negotiation (CoordinationAgent) can lead to the emergence of barter systems or other forms of economic exchange among agents.

  • Distributed Decision-Making: Governance and collective learning (DAO, DataAnalytics) can lead to the emergence of a system-wide decision-making process.

Overall, this framework allows for simulating complex social and economic dynamics by focusing on individual agent behavior and communication. The interplay between these functionalities leads to the emergence of rich and unpredictable collective behaviors.

It's important to note that the specific emergent properties will depend on the specific configuration of the simulation, including the types of agents, their initial states, and the environment they interact with.

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