[Econ Grapher] China Update - Housing Market and Manufacturing

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Econ Grapher

Jun 4, 2012, 7:51:03 AM6/4/12
to econg...@googlegroups.com

The first bits of data that come out of China each month are the PMI (a measure of manufacturing) and the Soufun 100 Index (a measure of house prices). The housing sector and manufacturing sector remain critical to the near term prospects of China's overall economy and macro policy positioning. So with these two data points you can get a leading view on how China's economy. And what do they say?

Full Story: http://www.alleconomists.com/2012/06/china-update-housing-market-and.html

Posted By Econ Grapher to Econ Grapher at 6/04/2012 04:51:00 AM
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