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Your opinions, critiques and suggestions about my PhD thesis

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Tunç Ali Kütükçüoğlu

Aug 9, 2022, 10:02:31 AM8/9/22
to PhD: Why does mainstream economics ignore ecology?
Dear all,

I am expecting your opinions, critiques and suggestions for my PhD work. The title of my PhD is: Why does the theory and education of mainstream (neoclassical,. neoliberal) economics ignore ecology?

You can find detailed information about my PhD work at the University of Corsica (Dec 2018 - May 2021) on this page:

You can download my PhD thesis (draft) here as pdf document:

Brief history of my PhD study at the University of Corsica (Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli):
* started in Dec 2018 after lengthy negotiations about the PhD offer (plan)
* my 2nd PhD poster presentation won a prize in Oct 2020
* submitted thesis in Jan 2021 
* excommunicated by the Church of Economism (a monocultural jury of mainstream economists) in May 2021

You can read any chapter(s) of my PhD thesis and comment on only these chapter(s), but please indicate which chapter(s) you have read.

I have questions like:
1) Do you think my PhD work, including the thesis, deserves a PhD degree? If not, what is in your opinion wrong or missing? How could I improve my thesis?
2) What's your opinion about a particular chapter you have read? Do you have any critiques and suggestions to improve this particular chapter?
3) Why are you interested in subjects like economy & ecology, political economy or political ecology? What is your background? (you don't need to be an academician)

Tunc Ali Kütükcüoglu

about me

email: tuncalik1968 at gmail dot com

twitter (EN) @ tuncalik:
twitter (TR) @ tuncaliku:
instagram @ tuncaliku:
youtube (EN) @ aquasustain
youtube (TR) @ borabas


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Jan 9, 2023, 9:04:40 AM1/9/23
to PhD: Why does mainstream economics ignore ecology?
Hi Tunc,

First of all, congratulations, I think your thesis is a tremendously solid work and I believe that, the ideas, arguments and conclusions are all very accurate. I think that, if you enrich it with concrete examples from life and increase the readability a little bit, an amazing book will come out of this thesis..

I believe the team which was supposed to evaluate your doctoral work, by excommunicating you without giving you any chance to defend yourself and your work, also proved that, you were absolutely correct with your thesis. Who knows, maybe this interesting story also can be the subject for another book, on its own.

When I look at the current economical system, which is from my perspective a pyramid scheme, purely focused on continuous growth, I just see a whole bunch of nonsense. As far as I know, existing economical theory hopes that, one can understand a complex non-linear system (economy), just by examining its unit elements. But of course, such a simplistic approach, is absolutely inadequate for understanding an evolving and changing system.

In todays world, as resources are limited, this unsustainable system focused on continuous growth, will eventually collapse and unfortunately, the consequences of these mistakes will be put on our children's shoulder, rather than those who set up this order and the ones who tries to defend it blindly without questioning at all.

9 Ağustos 2022 Salı tarihinde saat 16:02:31 UTC+2 itibarıyla şunları yazdı:
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