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Griffith Co-op end of year FEAST!

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kristy walters

Oct 31, 2010, 11:48:53 PM10/31/10
Hey Ecobug friends,

     Anyone want to come along to this with me? A chance to see what another co-op looks like. It's at the Nathan Campus in amongst the bush of Toohey Forest.

Buses go directly to Griffith Mt Gravatt from UQ, then there's a free shuttle bus to Nathan Campus quarter past and quarter to every hour. If you want help with directions send me a text or call 0423 478 757.

see later

Hello Co-opeans!

Just a reminder that THE FORKLESS FEAST, everyone's favourite co-op get-together, is on THIS COMING TUESDAY 2nd November, FROM 4PM. This is where we say thanks to our fantastic members for their contribution to a marvelous co-op. Please come and join other co-op members and have a rest from study.

If the weather is fine, we will be at the courtyard outside the technology building (N44), having a gr...and old time. If you have any troubles finding it, come to the co-op and follow the arrows from there! (if the weather isn't fine, come to the co-op)

There will be food - but if you feel so inclined, please bring a plate of food to share! Just remember - no forks allowed!

There will be music - so please bring along your instruments (INCLUDING UKELELES) and voices!

Well I hope everyone is well and good and not too stressed and happy that the semester is almost over. Don't forget to head on down to the forkless feast to celebrate the end of the year, and most importantly talk about exciting new plans for next year.

Much love to all,

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