Школа Лидерства для НПО в Братиславе, Словакия, 20-23 октября 2015 года

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Aug 4, 2015, 11:21:50 AM8/4/15
to ecobilim, ecoyouth_kg, zhash...@googlegroups.com

Если вы хотите продвинуть вашу организацию, улучшить ваш управленческий потенциал или повысить эффективность ваших связей с внешней средой участвуйте в Школе Лидерства для НПО в Братиславе, Словакия, 20-23 октября 2015 года. Занятия будут проходить на английском языке.

Opening of the call for applications for the NGO Leadership Bootcamp 20th-23rd OCTOBER  2015, Bratislava, Slovakia

Do you work in an NGO in a challenged context? Do you want to advance your organization by improving your internal and managerial capacities or increase your effectiveness in communication with external environments? Apply for the NGO Leadership Bootcamp and join us!

The objective of the Bootcamp is to empower the selected civil society representatives to strengthen their internal expertise, managerial and income generating capacities, abilities to engage with both general public and government stakeholders and assist in networking with international linkages. Particular focus will be on the CSO representatives advancing democratic accountability and rule of law in their home countries.

The Bootcamp is structured around presentations by distinguished experts and follow-up interactive small group discussions and Q&A sessions.

Training programme:

Day 1: Advocacy and Public Policy Building by Lucia Klapacova, Expert in Slovak Democratic Transformation and Western Balkans, MESA 10;

Day 2: Essentials of NGO management (Leadership and the change management, Management of inter-organizational relationships and donor relations,) by Linda Gasser,
Faculty Affiliate, William Davidson Institute and Lecturer, Cornell University;

Day 3: Principles of good communication and negotiations (The basics of effective negotiations, Creating value versus claiming value, Negotiating to create successful
partnership) by Tracy Tuten, Faculty Affiliate, William Davidson Institute and Professor, East Carolina University;

Day 4: Planning and Sustainability of NGOs (Vision and Strategy Development for NGOs, Individual Fundraising and Creation of a Case for Support) by Tony Myers,
Principal & Senior Counsel at Myers & Associates;

The 4-day Bootcamp will be followed by a 2 half-day online trainings of which dates will be set based on general convenience.

Development and Democracy Conference
The participants have an opportunity to attend and network at the conference Development and Democracy: Thinking Ahead for Sustainable Development which takes place on the 19th October 2015 in Bratislava. This is a separate event of the Pontis Foundation and the participants will be asked to cover their own accommodation costs for one night. For further details please see:http://www.nadaciapontis.sk/medzinarodna-konferencia-en

The Bootcamp is open to 20 NGO leaders from Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Slovakia, Southeast Europe, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. Participants will be selected through an open application process and will receive the training at no charge.

The organizer will reimburse the travel costs of the selected participants, to and from Bratislava, including local travel, which are directly related to the NGO Leadership Bootcamp programme, according to the guidelines obtained after receiving confirmation of acceptance. The Pontis Foundation will give approval for the proposed travel and will reimburse the costs, and cover accommodation costs of all the participants. You will be required to keep all original receipts, tickets and boarding passes for financial reimbursement. At least one dinner and four lunches and coffee breaks will be provided by the organizer. Breakfast is included for the participants staying in the hotel. Participants are expected to cover the costs of other meals during the week.

Participants will receive a certificate jointly issued by the William Davidson Institute (WDI), the Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia (WCEE) and the Pontis Foundation upon completion of the training programme.

Application process:
The deadline for applying is Monday the 24th August, CEST 23:59. Application forms should be sent toivana....@pontisfoundation.sk with the subject ‘NGO Bootcamp Application’. The applications will be pre-evaluated by the Pontis Foundation and participants will be selected by the WDI. All the applicants will have received a response by the 4th September.

The working language of the Bootcamp is English.
The NGO Leadership Bootcamp brings together the unique advantages of two University of Michigan units, both focused on strengthening democratic accountability and emerging markets, as well as the local insight of the Slovak-based NGO, Pontis Foundation, which works to support democratization and the development of civil society. The Bootcamp is organized by the Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia (WCEE), the William Davidson Institute (WDI) and the Pontis Foundation.

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