Day 21 End of Cleanse (Sortove)

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Jan 21, 2012, 5:18:45 PM1/21/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I feel very satisfied with what I accomplished this past 21 days so I
am officially done with the cleanse as of tonight.
Many of the cleanse "to dos" I shall continue on with. I just need to
end this chapter and move on to some new goals. Not weighted myself
because I refuse to monitor my progress that way but feel about ten
lbs lighter. I bought two paris of skinny jeans last fall and they
both fit now. YEAH!!! If anyone wants to email me direct that would
be awesome. I have no vegan or even vegetarian friends so it can get
Take care all and "WE DID IT!!!!"

Tanya S.

Jan 21, 2012, 5:23:28 PM1/21/12
It was nice meeting you Cheryl! Feel free to email me anytime! That goes for all of you Vegans and Vegetarians out there! I'd love to keep in touch! Don't forget you can also find me at:  Stop by, and leave a comment! I LOVE to hear from like-minded people. Today's post is on the most delicious Cole Slaw and Vegan Tacos I've had EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come check it out! :)

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cheryl koots

Jan 21, 2012, 5:37:09 PM1/21/12
Thanks Tanya- I just took quick peep and your blog looks great. Is that Rishi tea herb, green, black ? OMG I have to admit I did crack on the chai this week, was so sad without it and enjoying a cup now. Rishi chai is awesome but never had that flavor. Chai actually saves me from eating way more sinister stuff so it's great,
One thing I took from this cleanse is that the food needs to nourish me and be really worth eating otherwise I am not bothering with it anymore. I am vegan for long time, but sometimes I grab chips here and there or clif bars or zero calorie vitamin water from the store at work. It's just a waste of money and calories. There are better things to consume and spend my money on. I ordered ultima drink mix today and it arrived today. It's electrolyte mix made out of stevia, awesome after my hot yoga class. Sometimes I would spend $2 on the ZERO vitamin water so instead I will keep some of the lemonade flavor in my drawer to have as a treat. I have gone back to stocking Lara Bars and taking one to work, to have just in case, but some days I don't even need it so I don't eat. Just more aware of my consumptions in general. 


Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 17:23:28 -0500
Subject: Re: {Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse} Day 21 End of Cleanse (Sortove)

Tanya S.

Jan 21, 2012, 6:28:32 PM1/21/12
Hey Cheryl, It's Organic Pu-erh tea, Here's some info I found on it: "known in China as "medicinal teas" pu-erh helps decrease blood cholesterol levels and improves fat metabolism. It is thought that pu-erh tea’s unique double fermentation may create special enzymes and microbes that offer the body micronutrients essential for better health."

"According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pu-erh tea has a warming and potent digestive property. Chinese doctors consider Pu-erh as a tea that dispels or cleanses the body of fat and toxins from meat and oily foods. Pu-erh tea is regarded as the best amongst all teas for its body slimming function and as a natural and safe dieters tea. Recent research suggests that consuming 5-8 cups of Pu-erh Tea each day can reduce cholesterol and plaque of the arteries.",or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1358&bih=573&um=1

Don't know if I posted the vegan tacos and cole slaw after you checked out my site, but if you didn't see that post, you might want to. They're the best recipes i've tried in a LONG time. :)

cheryl koots

Jan 21, 2012, 6:48:14 PM1/21/12
Thanks for scoop, going online to order right now. No, didn't see tacos but sounds fantastic. Going out tonight and fancing some vegan gf mac n cheeze and kale salad :)


Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 18:28:32 -0500

Tanya S.

Jan 21, 2012, 7:56:31 PM1/21/12



Jan 22, 2012, 11:42:13 AM1/22/12
Yes, I'm moving on from the "cleanse" too ... but there are many things that I have made habit of already and will continue aside from just continuing to eat vegan:

1) water w/lemon in the morning.  This really helps me feel alert and also helps me drink more water because there is some taste to it.  I never did try the cayenne pepper because I didn't have any, and I also am very sensitive to anything spicy (I can only tolerate mild salsa, and regular black pepper is sometimes too hot for me!)

2) green smoothies.  Can you all believe this one?  Haha, I was a person who was so freaked out to mix greens and fruits together and drink them and I  now love green smoothies!!!  They actually taste deliciously, naturally sweet to me now, too, instead of not sweet enough!  Which brings me to my next point ...

3) very little cane sugar.  I never thought I would be able to break my sugar addiction, but I really do feel like I've done it during these past 21-days.  I have had some things that contain a little bit of evaporated cane sugar, like Van's gluten-free, vegan frozen waffles, So Delicious "ice cream," 2 dark chocolate bars from Trader Joe's ... all three products I had in my house before the cleanse started, so I used them as treats.  However, when I ate them they tasted too sweet!  In the future, I would prefer to make my own pancakes and "ice cream" (without sugar) and freeze them for later convenience.

4) very little oil.  I haven't quite perfected salad dressing w/o oil, so I'll still use some for my salads ... and a little for greasing pans when baking items sometimes, but other than that I don't need to use oil to saute veggies anymore; water or veggie broth works just fine.

5) consciously consume raw foods.  I feel my best when I am eating raw foods.  I will strive for eating at least 50% of my foods raw each day.

6) gluten-free.  This will be easiest of all for me to continue because I have horrible digestive symptoms when I eat wheat/gluten.

I still am open to trying meditation, but I just didn't get around to it yet.

This has been a life changing experience and I'm not sure I would have done it without this group and the support of everybody, especially Whitney's videos.  Thank you and yes, keep in touch.  I do have a blog that I'm not so great at updating but it's:  Feel free to leave comments or e-mail me if needed.  I also don't have too many veg friends in my life :-(

Ashley F. [The Unintentional Vegan]

Jan 23, 2012, 11:23:53 AM1/23/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I'm so glad that everyone was able to learn something from the cleanse
that they will be able to implement year-round! Congrats to everyone
who did the cleanse - I'm really proud of all of you.

I definitely had my own ups and downs throughout the cleanse, but I
was also able to break some bad habits and gain some good ones
throughout the 21 days. One thing that really stuck with me is that
even though I've already been vegan for a year or so, I don't always
eat healthy. I really got to examine how and what I eat to find ways
to improve my diet.

1) I don't have to cook with oil/margarine. I always assumed that
these added flavor to my cooking, but it really comes down to using
quality, fresh products and the right spice blend. I don't even use
oil to caramelize my onions anymore, just water, and they still turn
out amazingly soft and sweet.

2) I need to cut back on the refined flours/sugars. I eat a lot of
bread, crackers, and chips and that's something that has definitely
been brought to my attention throughout the cleanse. I feel so much
better and surprisingly, fuller, when I don't eat refined foods.

3) I want to juice cleanse once every couple of months. I really loved
the 2 day juice cleanse that I did. I felt super energized and
refreshed. If anyone wants to know which juices I did and schedule,
just let me know and I can send you a PDF.

I wish everyone the best for 2012, and feel free to stop by my site or
if you want some vegan recipes or health/wellness tips!


Tanya S.

Jan 23, 2012, 11:36:57 AM1/23/12
Thanks for sharing what you learned Ashley! That's awesome!
I'll definitely keep in touch, and you know where you and others can find me:

I'll keep recording my own personal weightloss Journey. So far so good. I've lost 16 lbs since I started, and now that I'm increasing my stamina, and am starting to run further and faster, the weight is just dropping off. I haven't gotten under 200lbs yet, but I'm at 202, and I know it won't be long before I'm at 150!

I'm grateful for the cleanse, because now I have a refreshing Green Juice after exercise, every morning. Followed by a Green Smoothie, and hour later. The ONE thing I need to keep working on, is eliminating the oil from my life. I've already learned to bake without it, and I don't use oil based salad dressings at all. I still saute my onions in it, but have to stop doing that. Once I can get that down, I'm pretty much OIL FREE. I think that will be my goal for the next month. I've already gotten rid of Refined Sugar, Caffeine, and Most Processed Foods, so I'm feeling better than ever. Of course, dairy and meat were gone a long time ago, since I've been on a Healthy Vegan diet for almost 2 months! This really is the best change I've ever made in my life, and I don't know why it took me so long to make it permanent. I'm eating more delicious food now than I ever did on a DISGUSTING SAD diet. The best part? I'm PAIN FREE!!!!!!!!! No more stomach pains, no more headaches, no more Severe Sciatica issue, or pains in my joints.

It was great meeting you all. Please keep in touch, and feel free to follow my Journey. I'm planning to post some before and after pics up to this point, and then again when I reach my goal of 140lbs. If you need support, or want to share what's worked for you, PLease, do stop by and leave a comment! :)

I wish you ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! Make 2012 Your BEST YEAR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Tanya S.

Jan 23, 2012, 2:23:18 PM1/23/12
Hey Girls, Just wanted to share my before and after pics with you......

YIKES!!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 23, 2012, 5:35:37 PM1/23/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Great job Tanya!
You are losing the most healthy way.


On Jan 23, 2:23 pm, "Tanya S." <> wrote:
> Hey Girls, Just wanted to share my before and after pics with you......
> YIKES!!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!!!!!!!
> Tanya
> On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 7:56 PM, Tanya S. <>wrote:
> > Yummy"
> > On Jan 21, 2012 6:48 PM, "cheryl koots" <> wrote:
> >>  Thanks for scoop, going online to order right now. No, didn't see tacos
> >> but sounds fantastic. Going out tonight and fancing some vegan gf mac n
> >> cheeze and kale salad :)
> >>  ------------------------------
> >> Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 18:28:32 -0500
> >> Subject: Re: {Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse} Day 21 End of Cleanse (Sortove)
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >> Hey Cheryl, It's Organic Pu-erh tea, Here's some info I found on it:
> >> "known in China as "medicinal teas" pu-erh helps decrease blood
> >> cholesterol levels and improves fat metabolism. It is thought that pu-erh
> >> tea’s unique double fermentation may create special enzymes and microbes
> >> that offer the body micronutrients essential for better health."
> >>
> >> "According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pu-erh tea has a warming and
> >> potent digestive property. Chinese doctors consider Pu-erh as a tea that
> >> dispels or cleanses the body of fat and toxins from meat and oily foods.
> >> Pu-erh tea is regarded as the best amongst all teas for its body
> >> slimming function and as a natural and safe dieters tea. Recent research
> >> suggests that consuming 5-8 cups of Pu-erh Tea each day can reduce
> >> cholesterol and plaque of the arteries."
> >><>
> >> .,cf.osb&biw=1358&bih=573&um=1
> >> Don't know if I posted the vegan tacos and cole slaw *after *you checked
> >> out my site, but if you didn't see that post, you might want to. They're
> >> the best recipes i've tried in a LONG time. :)
> >> On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 5:37 PM, cheryl koots <>wrote:
> >>  Thanks Tanya- I just took quick peep and your blog looks great. Is that
> >> Rishi tea herb, green, black ? OMG I have to admit I did crack on the chai
> >> this week, was so sad without it and enjoying a cup now. Rishi chai is
> >> awesome but never had that flavor. Chai actually saves me from eating way
> >> more sinister stuff so it's great,
> >> One thing I took from this cleanse is that the food needs to nourish me
> >> and be really worth eating otherwise I am not bothering with it anymore. I
> >> am vegan for long time, but sometimes I grab chips here and there or clif
> >> bars or zero calorie vitamin water from the store at work. It's just a
> >> waste of money and calories. There are better things to consume and spend
> >> my money on. I ordered ultima drink mix today and it arrived today. It's
> >> electrolyte mix made out of stevia, awesome after my hot yoga class.
> >> Sometimes I would spend $2 on the ZERO vitamin water so instead I will
> >> keep some of the lemonade flavor in my drawer to have as a treat. I have
> >> gone back to stocking Lara Bars and taking one to work, to have just in
> >> case, but some days I don't even need it so I don't eat. Just more aware of
> >> my consumptions in general.
> >>  ------------------------------
> >> Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 17:23:28 -0500
> >> Subject: Re: {Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse} Day 21 End of Cleanse (Sortove)
> >> From:
> >> To:
> >> It was nice meeting you Cheryl! Feel free to email me anytime! That goes
> >> for all of you Vegans and Vegetarians out there! I'd love to keep in touch!
> >> Don't forget you can also find me at:
> >> Stop by, and leave a
> >> comment! I LOVE to hear from like-minded people. Today's post is on the
> >> most delicious Cole Slaw and Vegan Tacos I've had EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come
> >> check it out! :)
> >> Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Tanya S.

Jan 23, 2012, 5:36:43 PM1/23/12

Thanks Cheryl

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