Cleanse is working already!!

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Jan 4, 2012, 9:46:49 PM1/4/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I am already a long term vegan but I can see just cutting out gluten,
sugar and black tea that I am already feeling so much different.
Tonight at Bikram I held poses so much longer and was way stronger.
Not eating additional food after dinner is also helping, my history is
to do great all day and nooch mindlessly on whatever after dinner,
late at night. This was probably an extra 300 to 500 calories per day,
hello! No wonder my extra pounds would not budge.
I am still drinking small amounts of green tea and probably consuming
a little too much fruit but compared to before, way improved my
consumption of sugar.
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Tanya S.

Jan 5, 2012, 8:03:15 AM1/5/12
Hi cheryl! That's awesome news! I'm still eating fruit too, but have completely cut out gluten and sugar and have been losing a pound a day! I feel so much more energetic, and the Green Juices are awesome!!!!

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Tanya S.

Jan 5, 2012, 8:47:22 AM1/5/12
Sam, you're doing awesome!!!! Dont' be afraid of the Greens in your smoothies. As long as you have a good fruit base in there, you shouldn't even taste them. For more Green Smoothie ideas, feel free to check out my blog, where I post them all the time. Or Let me know, and I can email you some. :)

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:14 PM, Sam I <> wrote:
I relate with that. Exactly what I was doing, eating too much after
dinner, especially carbs.
With the cleanse I haven't felt the need to eat after dinner, maybe it
has something to do with cutting out sugar?
I've had a lot more energy too, have gone for a few big hikes up the
mountain and noticed I have
more energy then I did before.
I'm probably eating too much fruit as well but it works for me! Am
slowly transitioning to more veges in my smoothies.

On Jan 5, 3:46 pm, ""

Ashley F. [The Unintentional Vegan]

Jan 5, 2012, 11:39:47 AM1/5/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I can definitely relate - I was always eat tons of carbs and sugars
after dinner. I've cut that out and already feel so much better. I can
always tell when I cut out the carbs because my appetite seems to
control itself better. I tend to get way hungrier (and never feel
satiated) when I eat too many chips, breads, etc.

Glad to hear you are feeling stronger! Just think of how well we will
feel after the cleanse!

Sam, I agree that you shouldn't be afraid to add some more greens to
your smoothies/juices. I can never even detect the taste, it's more
about the look of it that I think tricks us into thinking it's not
going to taste good when it actually doesn't taste like kale/spinach
at all!

On Jan 4, 8:46 pm, ""

Tanya S.

Jan 5, 2012, 1:29:37 PM1/5/12
Girls, WE'RE DOING IT!!!!!!!!! Isn't this AWESOME????????????


Jan 5, 2012, 8:51:35 PM1/5/12
Tanya, you crack me up with your comment :) but I am really glad to come to this group and see that there are others out there doing the same thing as me--eating whole foods, cutting out wheat and sugar--and are willing to reach out to lend support and advice.

I live in a fairly small town in Illinois (about 20,000 people, I think) and I wouldn't be surprised if I am the only vegan in the whole town.  Now that I've been vegan for 2 1/2 years people that I'm around often don't seem to mind as much, but I still feel like they don't understand me and think I am legitimately crazy.

There are only four grocery stores to shop at:  Aldi's, Save-a-Lot, County Market, and Wal-Mart.  There is one small health foods store but it is very over-priced and I can't afford/refuse to shop there.  We do have a Farmer's Market during late spring/summer/early fall, but I'm not that crazy about it.  Needless-to-say, I have a hard time finding organic fruits and veggies, gluten-free options, and items that aren't yet "mainstream" such as nutritional yeast. 

Tbis is how I do most of my grocery shopping: 
1) When I'm already going to Springfield for another reason(s)--45-minutes away--I'll stop at Meijer.  They have pretty good organic and gluten-free options.
2) When my husband and I are in the Chicago area visiting his family--I go to Trader Joe's and/or Whole Foods for some things and haul them back in a cooler.
3)  If we are visiting friends/family in Bloomington--2 hours away--there is a health foods grocery store (the name is escaping me right now) that I will stop at and bring things back, again, in a cooler.
4) online

Moral of my story is, I definitely feel like I have NO support around me, yet I feel so strongly about veganism that I try not to let my lack of resources and support hinder my ability to live the way I want to live.  Online support has become more important to me than ever before and I thank you all for being here!

Mrs. Collins

Jan 5, 2012, 8:56:37 PM1/5/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I feel the same way! We have more resources, it seems, with a Co-op
and such but people just don't understand my way of eating sometimes.
I added dairy back into my diet (I know, I know) before the new year
but have since started cutting it out again with the help of everyone
here! But when I started eating cheese and such my friends seems to be
thrilled for me (huh?).
So- It feels good having this group...which I hope will continue even
after the cleanse!

Tanya S.

Jan 5, 2012, 9:39:05 PM1/5/12
Steph, You are a real trooper! GOOD FOR YOU for sticking to your convictions! What you're doing IS making a difference, and there are thousands of us right here with you! I'm so grateful that I got to meet you and other amazing women and men on here. It's a real blessing. My family (except my Vegan daughter) and friends are die hard SAD eaters, and they think I'm nuts. So, I too appreciate this group, and everyone who stops by to read my blog. If I could encourage even ONE person to eat healthier, or make ONE person feel that they're not alone in doing so, I'm happy for doing it.
Thanks to all of you!!!!!!!!!! And Whitney, for bringing us together!!!!!!!!!! :)

Jan 5, 2012, 10:02:30 PM1/5/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Whoo Hoo everyone is so excited. Day 5 was great except I did spinning
from 8-9 and just got done eating light dinner,
needless to say going to bed soon on full stomach. That is my most
difficult challange but I figure working out is super
important. I have worked out every day this year so far! LOL

On Jan 4, 9:46 pm, ""

Ashley F. [The Unintentional Vegan]

Jan 6, 2012, 1:12:21 PM1/6/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I'm sorry to hear that you don't have much support, Steph. But I love
the conviction you have without it. It's truly inspiring and I hope
that we can become your support system!

On Jan 4, 8:46 pm, ""
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