Fitting it all in?

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Jan 3, 2012, 9:30:49 PM1/3/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Happy New Year everyone, it was amazing because I already decided to
finally do the CSD cleanse and then Whitney said she was going to do
it, and start the group. Does anyone else feel it's really challanging
to fit everything in? There is no way due to work schedule that I can
eat 3 hours before bedtime and work out and get 8 hours of sleep. At
this point I think exercise is super important so I will compromise
and try to eat 2 hours before bedtime and get at least 7 hours of
sleep. I still have to neti and dry brush (forgot before my morning
shower) before I hit the bed,

Tanya S.

Jan 3, 2012, 9:38:13 PM1/3/12
Hi Cheryl. Yes, it is challenging to get it all in, but I think that you're doing great by just doing the best you can. If you allow yourself to get stressed, than you will lose any benefits that the cleanse could have had. Good for you for exercising and looking to get more sleep. Take it one day at a time, and I think by day 21 you'll feel like a whole new person! YOU CAN DO IT! And we're right here behind you! :)


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Kristahl m

Jan 4, 2012, 1:56:42 AM1/4/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Good luck Cheryl!
I am sure you will be able to incorporate everything to fit your
schedule :)

On Jan 4, 12:38 pm, "Tanya S." <> wrote:
> Hi Cheryl. Yes, it is challenging to get it all in, but I think that you're
> doing great by just doing the best you can. If you allow yourself to get
> stressed, than you will lose any benefits that the cleanse could have had.
> Good for you for exercising and looking to get more sleep. Take it one day
> at a time, and I think by day 21 you'll feel like a whole new person! YOU
> CAN DO IT! And we're right here behind you! :)
> Tanya
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:30 PM, <


Jan 4, 2012, 6:51:27 AM1/4/12
I am a teacher so lucky-for-me I haven't had to try to fit everything in with work yet due to winter break.  Today is my first day back.  I have a lot of catch-up work to get done today before and after school so it's going to be a long couple of days for me to end the week.  I definitely feel like it will be harder to eat properly and exercise with work.  But we can do it!  Hope it makes you feel better to know we're all just trying our best :)

Tanya S.

Jan 4, 2012, 9:30:24 AM1/4/12
Steph, I hope you have an awesome day back to school! YOU CAN DO IT GIRL! Just keep in mind that Green Smoothies take a few minutes, and You can take one with you and put it in the fridge at school. I used to take Smoothies with me when I worked in a crazy busy hospital, and it was fantastic! Take some handful of nuts as well, and you're going to be set! How about some cut up veggies with hummus? And don't forget how easy and quick it is to make a salad. Just some thoughts.....


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 6:51 AM, StephNE500 <> wrote:
I am a teacher so lucky-for-me I haven't had to try to fit everything in with work yet due to winter break.  Today is my first day back.  I have a lot of catch-up work to get done today before and after school so it's going to be a long couple of days for me to end the week.  I definitely feel like it will be harder to eat properly and exercise with work.  But we can do it!  Hope it makes you feel better to know we're all just trying our best :)


Ashley F. [The Unintentional Vegan]

Jan 4, 2012, 11:39:32 AM1/4/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Good luck with everything, Cheryl! It can definitely seem overwhelming
at first, but after a few days it should start to become part of your
new everyday routine. Like Tanya said you can get a lot of things
prepped for the next day either the night before or early in the
morning so you are set for the rest of the day as far as meals go. I
usually take 10-20 minutes just before I go to bed to get my juices/
smoothies and snacks ready for the next day so that I don't get too
stressed out in the mornings. Tanya nailed it when she said that if
you get stressed out it will nullify any of the good things you are
doing. Just remember to keep it simple!

On Jan 3, 8:30 pm, ""


Jan 4, 2012, 9:10:22 PM1/4/12
Haha, thanks Tanya!  I did make a smoothie before I left the house this morning (I even did yoga and had a big glass of water with lime)!!!  I had prepared all the ingredients for the smoothie last night, got the blender out, etc so I had the least amount of work to do this morning to make it.  I took some leftover rice, quinoa (the stuff I got from Whitney when I ordered my shirt!), beans, veggies mixture for lunch.  And I packed some carrots and an apple for snacks (I know, I know, mostly sweet stuff!).  My husband was super nice and had a big salad ready for me when I got home for dinner ... romaine, spinach, cukes, green pepper, broccoli, MUSHROOM (ha ha).  So far so good today.  Now I'm going to get a quick workout in and get ready to start this all over again tomorrow!  I'm exhausted but feel good.  Hope everyone else made it through today okay!

Tanya S.

Jan 4, 2012, 9:17:31 PM1/4/12
What a sweet husband you have! Guess what? I made a yummy Green Juice today with Romaine, Spinach, Pineapple and a yellow apple. It was delish!!!!!!!!!! Hope your day tomorrow is great!

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 9:10 PM, StephNE500 <> wrote:
Haha, thanks Tanya!  I did make a smoothie before I left the house this morning (I even did yoga and had a big glass of water with lime)!!!  I had prepared all the ingredients for the smoothie last night, got the blender out, etc so I had the least amount of work to do this morning to make it.  I took some leftover rice, quinoa (the stuff I got from Whitney when I ordered my shirt!), beans, veggies mixture for lunch.  And I packed some carrots and an apple for snacks (I know, I know, mostly sweet stuff!).  My husband was super nice and had a big salad ready for me when I got home for dinner ... romaine, spinach, cukes, green pepper, broccoli, MUSHROOM (ha ha).  So far so good today.  Now I'm going to get a quick workout in and get ready to start this all over again tomorrow!  I'm exhausted but feel good.  Hope everyone else made it through today okay!

Jan 4, 2012, 9:37:45 PM1/4/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Thanks everyone for all your helpful tips. The food is not really the
issue because I have been vegan 4 years and already into making all my
own food and doing green juice and smoothies. I just meant timewise
Kris's suggestions will not be doable. I get up at 6am to get to work
by 8am, get off 4:30, Bikram is at 6:30 or 7:00 and the class is 90
mins, so at the earliest I am eating dinner by 8:30, and I am supposed
to be to bed by 10pm to get 8 hours of sleep. With Bikram you can't
eat within three hours of class so there is no way to eat dinner
beforehand. If I skip eating then I will wake up in the middle of
night and munch on whatever and that is bad. Plus I have to fit in
meditation, dry brush and neti, affirmations, prayer etc. I figure I
will just do the best I can.

On Jan 3, 9:30 pm, ""

Tanya S.

Jan 5, 2012, 8:01:31 AM1/5/12
wow Cheryl! You do have  a busy schedule. But If you're fitting that all in, then you're doing better than I am!


Jan 5, 2012, 8:21:38 PM1/5/12
Oh goodness no, I'm not getting 8 hours of sleep ... I get 5 1/2 to 6 hours Sunday through Thursday nights.  I'm not making time in my day to meditate either, but I do yoga in the mornings.  I'm reading the affirmations/prayers/etc in the book either before bed or when I first wake up in the morning.  Actually, I haven't even read the whole book yet, I've just kind of skipped all around and bookmarked/highlighted/made notes all over.  It sounds like you are doing great Cheryl and getting in what you can.  Keep it up!

Jan 5, 2012, 10:03:45 PM1/5/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Can't we count sleeping as meditating???

Tanya S.

Jan 6, 2012, 10:32:03 AM1/6/12
LOL!!! That sounds good Cheryl!

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Lena Mengel

Jan 6, 2012, 3:19:26 PM1/6/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I just started today. I'm from Germany and lots of german bloggers
started the cleanse today, that's the reason why i'm jumping in so
Unfortunately i have a slight cold right now. (my usual medicine would
contain alcohol :/ )

I tried meditation today. i set the alarm for 7 min because I thought
I couldn't do it longer. I turned out pretty good, so the next time I
will do it for 15 minutes.

Tanya S.

Jan 6, 2012, 4:21:18 PM1/6/12
Welcome Lena! I'm glad it's going well for you. It's never too late to get started, and I'm glad you did. If you have any questions,
Or need extra support, please let us know. Everyone here is amazing, and so helpful!

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