Inspired by this group- Thank you Whitney!!!

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Jan 6, 2012, 10:51:32 PM1/6/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I just want to thank Whitney for bringing this whole thing together.I
am very inspired by this group. We all are coming from different
lifestyles but we all have great advise to give each other and it
really helps to know there are other like-minded people out there. I
have been on other boards but so far this is the best group of posters
All week I have been doing great with the food, neti, dry brush and
exercise, not so great with the more spiritual parts of this cleanse
(great thoughts, meditation, etc). I was just having a silly small
argument with my boyfriend about coffee. He beltches a lot and doesn't
believe it is from the coffee. Anyway, that type of conversation was
not good for my soul, I think I will just shove off to bed get a good
nights sleep and try again tomorrow. One good thing; I did eat early
tonight so there was three hours time before bed (although I did just
have hot carob made with unsweetened coconut milk, stevia and carob
Night everyone.

Tanya S.

Jan 7, 2012, 1:19:58 PM1/7/12
Cheryl, like you, I too have been incredibly encouraged by this group. It helps immensely to know that you guys are out there, and doing the same things. I understand how you can feel somewhat irritated when others can't make the connection between what they eat, and how they're feeling. I guess we just need to let it go, and keep trying to be the best examples we can, by our actions. Hopefully, they will be moved to make more positive choices in the future. For now, take care of you, that's the BEST help you can give anyone!
Have a Great weekend! I'm doing great, drinking MOSTLY Green Juices, and Feeling like the AMAZING VEGAN that I am! :)

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Jan 7, 2012, 6:45:02 PM1/7/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Thank you Tanya. Yuo are right, I will just worry about myself for
My boyfriend is a few years behind me in terms of health anyway, he
just went vegan this last year. Rome was not built in a day.

Had much better day but can't remember if I neti-ed this morning so
guess I will do again. Ate way way less food but going out to OM cafe
(Ferndale, MI)
for dinner in a few. Thinking might get the macro plate since I ate
mostly raw the
whole day.

On Jan 7, 1:19 pm, "Tanya S." <> wrote:
> Cheryl, like you, I too have been incredibly encouraged by this group. It
> helps immensely to know that you guys are out there, and doing the same
> things. I understand how you can feel somewhat irritated when others can't
> make the connection between what they eat, and how they're feeling. I guess
> we just need to let it go, and keep trying to be the best examples we can,
> by our actions. Hopefully, they will be moved to make more positive choices
> in the future. For now, take care of you, that's the BEST help you can give
> anyone!
> Have a Great weekend! I'm doing great, drinking MOSTLY Green Juices, and
> Feeling like the AMAZING VEGAN that I am! :)
> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 10:51 PM, <
> > Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Tanya S.

Jan 7, 2012, 7:22:37 PM1/7/12
Good for you Cheryl, hope your dinner is yummy! Your boyfriend is already Vegan?? That is a HUGE Blessing!!!! My husband is not even there yet. Oh well....gotta love them anyway.....:)

Jan 7, 2012, 10:09:58 PM1/7/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Dinner was yummy we had nori rolls and I had stir fry with gluten free
noodles and tons of twig tea.

Yes, Robert is dietary vegan because I make only vegan food and he
doesn't make anything other than
dry cereal or pbj. He just sortove got used to eating this way. He
used to cheat at parties or eating out
but now he eats mostly vegan.

On Jan 7, 7:22 pm, "Tanya S." <> wrote:
> Good for you Cheryl, hope your dinner is yummy! Your boyfriend is already
> Vegan?? That is a HUGE Blessing!!!! My husband is not even there yet. Oh
> well....gotta love them anyway.....:)
> On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 6:45 PM, <
> > > > quoted text -

Tanya S.

Jan 7, 2012, 10:26:31 PM1/7/12
awesome! Now that's the next step for only Vegan at home. It's tricky because I have children and they're so picky, that I"m afraid if I don't cook meat at least a few times a week they won't get enough protein. NOW HOLD THE PHONE....I KNOW you can get enough protein from Greens, but my boys don't eat enough greens, so I worry.  I would actually like to STOP cooking meat, because quite honestly, I'm disgusted by it now. Not to mention that It's bothering my conscience.  Any suggestions out there??????????????

Jan 8, 2012, 9:18:34 AM1/8/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Hi Tanya- I think it's important to make the food really like they
what your
family is used to eating but veganize the food. Try to avoid too many
meats, I ate those first when I went from Omni to Vege and I did gain
Now I focus more on whole foods but I still make fun food and my
loves that stuff, what I mean is pasta and use beans, and he loves my
eggless salad sandwich mix and buffalo tempeh. Just replace the meat
and don't tell them. Daiya cheese is awesome as is Tofutti cream
and sour cream. In all honesty I think milk is disgusting and got on
to soy milk
over a decade ago. It was a way slower swich on the rest but love them
I don't use boat loads of that stuff but little bits here and there
help. My
hardest thing is giving up Black Chai tea (as I am obsessed with it!),
(love sprouted grains), and homemade vegan baked goods. I don't care
for chocolate straight as it's just too intense for my system, don't
about ice cream (dairy or non- too cold!), but love baked goods, all
them- cookies, brownies, muffins, scones, pies, cakes...OMG totally
LOL, I suppose all that info was off topic LOL. Anyway, just
and you will do great!
Really I agree with you on meat, completely disgusting, as is dairy,
eggs and
fish. Sometimes I miss being able to order just something with cheese
then I remember it's all artery clogging crack and don't want to get
Have awesome day! The sun is shining here in Metro Detroit :)

On Jan 7, 10:26 pm, "Tanya S." <> wrote:
> awesome! Now that's the next step for only Vegan at home.
> It's tricky because I have children and they're so picky, that I"m afraid
> if I don't cook meat at least a few times a week they won't get enough
> protein. NOW HOLD THE PHONE....I KNOW you can get enough protein from
> Greens, but my boys don't eat enough greens, so I worry.  I would actually
> like to STOP cooking meat, because quite honestly, I'm disgusted by it now.
> Not to mention that It's bothering my conscience.  Any suggestions out
> there??????????????
> On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 10:09 PM, <
> > > > > > text -

Tanya S.

Jan 8, 2012, 12:01:06 PM1/8/12
Thanks Cheryl!!! I appreciate the tips.
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