Green Juice

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Jan 1, 2012, 1:23:45 PM1/1/12
For the Crazy Sexy Diet Cleanse, Kris uses a lot of "Green Juice."  I have never used green veggies to make juice/a smoothie.  It's something that I have a predetermined feeling that it will be horrible.  Does anyone here make green juice and love it?  I have read the recipes in the book and the only one that even sounds somewhat appetizing to me is the Apple Sprout Smoothie--I love apples (glad to see that apples are not off limits, by the way)!  Is there a certain recipe that you love more than another?  And do you use your blender or do you have a juicer?  I don't have a juicer and probably would try the blender/straining method that Kris talks about in her book first to see how it goes...


Jan 1, 2012, 1:31:19 PM1/1/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Green Juice (in my opinion) can be really delicious or really horrible
- it's all in how you make it (((0:
I am really starting the cleanse tomorrow - transitioning today. I
started off the day horrible by eating a chocolate chip cookie. I
don't know what is wrong w/ me lately.
Anyway, there is another great green juice recipe called the Green
Monster - I am having two today actually. Go to
and it is the featured post today - super easy to make and very yummy!


Jan 1, 2012, 4:53:15 PM1/1/12
Thanks, I think I found it:

I might try that one, too.  I have to get spinach and unsweetened almond milk first. 


Jan 1, 2012, 5:38:47 PM1/1/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Hi Steph! I feature Green Smoothie Recipes on my blog all the time.
I've been making them for about 4 years now, and I LOVE Them!!! In
fact, I have them twice a day, every day!
Feel free to stop by, and leave any questions or comments if you have
any! :)

Ashley F. [The Unintentional Vegan]

Jan 1, 2012, 5:44:26 PM1/1/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
I love green juice! I use a juicer, but I have used a blender/strainer
before and it seems to work just fine. The only difference that I've
seen is that it takes a bit more fruit/veggies to make the same amount
of juice, otherwise the taste is basically the same.

I just made this juice yesterday and if you like apples you'll
probably like this:

2 Apples
1 Orange
1 tsp (or 1/2" fresh) Ginger
1 cup Spinach

It tastes great and you can't even taste the spinach!


Jan 1, 2012, 8:33:23 PM1/1/12
Tanya, I checked out your blog and I love it!  I like the smoothies I've seen that you've posted because I like the idea of using just one vegetable at first, such as spinach, combined with fruits ... I'm more comfortable with trying that to start!  Then if I like those hopefully I can transition to the intimidating ones in Kris Carr's book :)  Thanks for your help.


Jan 1, 2012, 8:49:44 PM1/1/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
That's so awesome Steph! Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad I could
help, and am here for you anytime. Just let me know. :)

Eco-Vegan Gal

Jan 2, 2012, 6:17:53 PM1/2/12

Here's a link to my favorite green juice recipe. There are no fruits involved but I don't think you need them with the ginger and fennel. It's all about experimenting and finding what works best for you. I use a juicer, but you can certainly blend and strain.


Jan 3, 2012, 1:14:10 PM1/3/12
I tried the Green Monster today.  It was okay.  Still getting used to this whole smoothie thing.  I still prefer drinking water, lol.  Thanks for your suggestion, Kelly.  I would try this one again.


Jan 3, 2012, 7:43:21 PM1/3/12
to Eco-Vegan Gal Cleanse
Hi Stephanie! How's everything going? I don't know if you saw my reply
to your comment, but I wanted to let you know that you could also use
pure apple juice, almond milk, or even just water as your base for the
smoothies. Juice may be good to try, since this is all new to you.
Just make sure to use Juice without added sugar. Hope that helps. :)
By the way, thanks for commenting on my blog, I look forward to future



Jan 4, 2012, 7:05:48 AM1/4/12
Tanya, things are going well.  I haven't been back to your blog yet, but thanks for the suggestions.  I've been using organic, unsweetened rice milk with the smoothies because that's what I currently have in my house (I have almond milk too but apparently it is sweetened so I've been staying away from that).  I'm going to keep trying them out and maybe next week try the green juice as something a little different/more advanced.  Haha!  How is everything going with you?

Tanya S.

Jan 4, 2012, 9:35:34 AM1/4/12
Hi Steph! Things are going great! I'm trying the Green Juice today, and I'll let you know how it turns out. On Friday, my daughter and I will be drinking nothing but Green Juice the entire day, so I better find some yummy recipes quick! LOL I'll definitely post any yummy recipes I find on my blog, so stay tuned. Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!! You're doing Great!


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 7:05 AM, StephNE500 <> wrote:
Tanya, things are going well.  I haven't been back to your blog yet, but thanks for the suggestions.  I've been using organic, unsweetened rice milk with the smoothies because that's what I currently have in my house (I have almond milk too but apparently it is sweetened so I've been staying away from that).  I'm going to keep trying them out and maybe next week try the green juice as something a little different/more advanced.  Haha!  How is everything going with you?

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