Future of Eclipse Day India

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Jan 24, 2012, 12:49:47 AM1/24/12
to The Bangalore Eclipse Developers' Group

We have been organizing Eclipse Day India for last two years with
mixed success and responses. It has been good experience so far for
most of us. But frankly, we still have a long way ahead of us. So far
we have been able to keep it a free-to-attend event. However, we now
need to brainstorm our way forward. Easiest thing to do would be to
run a poll. But who shall decide the choices? Eclipse Day India is a
community event so its best that Eclipse community decide its fate.

I request to all Eclipse enthusiasts to come forward and share your
'uncensored' comments with us. I put forward these three challenges

1. Should the event to charged or continue as free-to-attend.
2. Attracting quality speakers
3. Active community participation

Let us know what you want but also tell us how we can do a better job
of achieving them. Together lets shape up a great Eclipse Day India
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