On 2016-09-28 10:45:35, Markus Knecht wrote:
> Thanks for the tipp with the installer, but now I have the problem to build
> the installer, with my plugin in it.
> If I do ant dist I get a:
> java.net.UnknownHostException: D
> And if I do ant installer I get a:
> java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method
> org.apache.tools.ant.types.ZipFileSet.<init>(Lorg/apache/tools/ant/types/FileSet;)V
> from class org.formic.ant.PackageTask
> So my question is what am I missing, how should I build an installer with
> my plugin in it, or is theire an even easier way to use the installer with
> my plugin instead of building it.
Ah, you are actually writing code for eclim. Well, then I wouldn't
worry about building the installer for now. I've never had an issue
with eclipse recognizing plugins copied into the plugins folder via
ant, so for now I'd suggest updating your local copy of build.xml to
deploy to the dropins folder.