activerecord datetime field - MSSQL via ODBC

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Jul 14, 2009, 1:11:45 AM7/14/09
to ECHI Converter
Hi All,

Running into a few problems getting the ActiveRecord side of things
inserting records into SQL Server. Was wondering if anyone has had

Can run the rake migrate in order to build the tables, but when ECHI-
Conv processes a CHR file and tries to insert the records into the DB,
I get the following error:

<i>Mon Jul 13 13:54:16 +1000 2009 (2124) EchiRecord Create (0.0ms)
DBI::DatabaseError: 22008 (242) [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client
10.0][SQL Server]The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime
data type resulted in an out-of-range value.: INSERT INTO
[echi_records] ([segment], [vdn9], [events0], [asaiuui], [cwcdigits],
[cwcs0], [queuetime], [events1], [split1], [malicious],
[origholdtime], [cwcs1], [firstvdn], [holdabn], [events2], [split2],
[dispsklevel], [cwcs2], [lastobserver], [audiodifficulty], [events3],
[split3], [observingcall], [cwcs3], [uuilen], [events4], [cwcs4],
[segstart], [eqloc], [events5], [conference], [talktime], [duration],
[disptime], [onholdtime], [acdnum], [agentreleased], [events6],
[dispivector], [collectdigits], [firstivector], [origreason],
[calldisp], [callingII], [ansreason], [dispsplit], [events7],
[obslocid], [daqueued], [events8], [consulttime], [ucid],
[trunkgroup], [dialednumber], [dispvdn], [vdn2], [vdn3], [segstop],
[assist], [origlocid], [callid], [vdn4], [transferred], [tklocid],
[vdn5], [ringtime], [callingparty], [acwtime], [answerlocid], [vdn6],
[holds], [disppriority], [vdn7], [origlogid], [anslogid], [netintime],
[vdn8]) VALUES(1, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, 0, 414, 'N', 0, '', '42000',
'N', 0, -1, 1, '', '', 'N', 0, -1, 'N', '', 0, 0, '', '2007-07-20
16:55:10.000', '004A12012', 0, 'N', 183, 261, 78, 0, 1, 'Y', 0, 421,
'2', 400, 0, 2, '', 0, 414, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 0, '00001143721184914510',
41, '42000', '41021', '41007', '41021', '2007-07-20 17:00:02.000',
'N', 0, 9557402, '', 'N', 3, '', 11, '0839411671', 31, 3, '', 0, 4,
'', '', '43031', 0, '')

Mon Jul 13 13:54:16 +1000 2009 (2124) EXECUTE (0.0ms) ROLLBACK

I have a feeling this is ODBC related (either using windows default
SQL server ODBC client or the native SQL client).

Troubleshooting performed:
* When I run the query from SQL server itself, it executes perfectly.
* When I run the query from another application using the same ODBC
DSN, it throws the same error.
* When I run the query through the above application, but remove the
hyphens from the datetime fields, it executes perfectly.

My initial thought would be to modify activerecord some how so that it
leaves the hyphens out of those fields.

Does anyone know which rb files this would be done in, or does anyone
have a better suggestion?

- Ryan


Jul 14, 2009, 1:12:58 AM7/14/09
to ECHI Converter
I should also mention I have no problems getting this working on a
MySQL setup, but would prefer to have it inserting directly into the
MSSQL database.



Jul 17, 2009, 5:26:33 AM7/17/09
to ECHI Converter
All sorted.

Instead of using a DB user, I changed ODBC to use NT permissions and
it seemed to fix it.

Wondering if the NT user side of things has anything to do with
regional (EN-UK) settings, but alas it's fixed and I don't really care
any more :)

- Ryan


Jul 17, 2009, 5:37:17 AM7/17/09
to ECHI Converter
Glad it got sorted. I am traveling in Japan right now, so did not have
many cycles to think about it.
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