Fw: Computer Science Newsletter - September 2011

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Andrey Gavrilov

Sep 6, 2011, 7:25:34 PM9/6/11
to ec...@googlegroups.com
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Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 12:03 PM
Subject: Computer Science Newsletter - September 2011

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September 2011


Problems, Perspectives, Practice
(Second Edition)


Design Techniques and Analysis
Artificial Intelligence

Series on Intelligence Science - Vol. 1
Advanced Artificial Intelligence
by Zhongzhi Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science and a discipline in the study of machine intelligence, that is, developing intelligent machines or intelligent systems imitating, extending and augmenting human intelligence through artificial means and techniques to realize intelligent behavior.

Computational Intelligence and Its Applications
Evolutionary Computation, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Techniques
edited by H K Lam (King's College London, UK), Steve S H Ling & Hung T Nguyen (University of Technologies Sydney, Australia)

This book focuses on computational intelligence techniques and their applications - fast-growing and promising research topics that have drawn a great deal of attention from researchers over the years. It brings together many different aspects of the current research on intelligence technologies such as neural networks, support vector machines, fuzzy logic and evolutionary computation, and covers a wide range of applications from pattern recognition and system modeling, to intelligent control problems and biomedical applications.

Advanced Topics In Biometrics
edited by Haizhou Li, Liyuan Li (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore), & Kar-Ann Toh (Yonsei University, Korea)

Biometrics is the study of methods for uniquely recognizing humans based on one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. After decades of research activities, biometrics, as a recognized scientific discipline, has advanced considerably both in practical technology and theoretical discovery to meet the increasing need of biometric deployments. In this book, the editors provide both a concise and accessible introduction to the field as well as a detailed coverage on the unique research problems with their solutions in a wide spectrum of biometrics research ranging from voice, face, fingerprint, iris, handwriting, human behavior to multimodal biometrics.

An Introduction To Genetic Algorithms For Scientists and Engineers
by David A Coley (University of Exeter)

This invaluable book has been designed to be useful to most practising scientists and engineers, whatever their field and however rusty their mathematics and programming might be. The approach taken is largely practical, with algorithms being presented in full and working code (in BASIC, FORTRAN, PASCAL AND C) included on a floppy disk to help the reader get up and running as quickly as possible. The text could also be used as part of an undergraduate course on search and optimisation. Student exercises are included at the end of several of the chapters, many of which are computer-based and designed to encourage exploration of the method.

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Published September 2011
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Computer Vision/ Pattern Recognition

IISc Lecture Notes Series
Introduction To Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
by M Narasimha Murty (Indian Institute of Science, India) & Der V Susheela Devi (Indian Institute of Science, India)

This book adopts a detailed and methodological algorithmic approach to explain the concepts of pattern recognition. While the text provides a systematic account of its major topics such as pattern representation and nearest neighbour based classifiers, current topics - neural networks, support vector machines and decision trees - attributed to the recent vast progress in this field are also dealt with. Pattern Recognition: An Algorithmic Approach will equip readers, especially senior computer science undergraduates, with a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Series in Computer Vision - Vol. 1
Emerging Topics In Computer Vision and Its Applications
edited by C H Chen (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA)

This book gives a comprehensive overview of the most advanced theories, methodologies and applications in computer vision. Particularly, it gives an extensive coverage of 3D and robotic vision problems. Example chapters featured are Fourier methods for 3D surface modeling and analysis, use of constraints for calibration-free 3D Euclidean reconstruction, novel photogeometric methods for capturing static and dynamic objects, performance evaluation of robot localization methods in outdoor terrains, integrating 3D vision with force/tactile sensors, tracking via in-floor sensing, self-calibration of camera networks, etc. Some unique applications of computer vision in marine fishery, biomedical issues, driver assistance, are also highlighted.

Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence - Vol. 75
Pattern Classification Using Ensemble Methods
by Lior Rokach (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

Researchers from various disciplines such as pattern recognition, statistics, and machine learning have explored the use of ensemble methodology since the late seventies. Thus, they are faced with a wide variety of methods, given the growing interest in the field. This book aims to impose a degree of order upon this diversity by presenting a coherent and unified repository of ensemble methods, theories, trends, challenges and applications.

The book describes in detail the classical methods, as well as the extensions and novel approaches developed recently. Along with algorithmic descriptions of each method, it also explains the circumstances in which this method is applicable and the consequences and the trade-offs incurred by using the method.

Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
edited by C H Chen (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA)

Both pattern recognition and computer vision have experienced rapid progress in the last twenty-five years. This book provides the latest advances on pattern recognition and computer vision along with their many applications. It features articles written by renowned leaders in the field while topics are presented in readable form to a wide range of readers. The book is divided into five parts: basic methods in pattern recognition, basic methods in computer vision and image processing, recognition applications, life science and human identification, and systems and technology.

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New and Forthcoming Titles


Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence - Vol. 54
Fundamentals of Robotics
Linking Perception to Action
by Ming Xie (Singapore-MIT Alliance & Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Tomorrow's robots, which includes the humanoid robot, can perform task like tutoring children, working as tour guides, driving humans to and from work, do the family shopping etc. Tomorrow's robots will enhance lives in ways we never dreamed possible. No time to attend the decisive meeting on Asian strategy? Let your robot go for you and make the decisions. Not feeling well enough to go to the clinic? Let Dr Robot come to you, make a diagnosis, and get you the necessary medicine for treatment. No time to coach the soccer team this week? Let the robot do it for you.

Robotics: State of The Art and Future Challenges
by George Bekey (University of Southern California, USA), Robert Ambrose, Vijay Kumar (University of Pennsylvania, USA), David Lavery (NASA Headquarters, USA), Arthur Sanderson (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA), Brian Wilcox (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA), Junku Yuh (Korea Aerospace University, Korea), & Yuan Zheng (Ohio State University, USA)

This book presents the results of an assessment of the state of robotics in Japan, South Korea, Western Europe and Australia and a comparison of robotics R&D programs in these countries with those in the United States. The comparisons include areas like robotic vehicles, space robotics, service robots, humanoid robots, networked robots, and robots for biological and medical applications, and based on criteria such as quality, scope, funding and commercialization. This important study identifies a number of areas where the traditional lead of the United States is being overtaken by developments in other countries.

Cluster Computing For Robotics and Computer Vision
by Damian M Lyons (Fordham University, USA)

The objective of the book is to give professionals working in the beowulf cluster or robotics and computer vision fields a concrete view of the strong synergy between the areas as well as to spur further fruitful exploitation of this connection. The book is written at a level appropriate for an advanced undergraduate or graduate student. The key concepts in robotics, computer vision and cluster computing are introduced before being used to make the text useful to a wide audience in these fields.

Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulators
A Unified Regressor-Free Approach
by An-Chyau Huang & Ming-Chih Chien (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)

This book introduces an unified function approximation approach to the control of uncertain robot manipulators containing general uncertainties. It works for free space tracking control as well as compliant motion control. It is applicable to the rigid robot and the flexible joint robot. Even with actuator dynamics, the unified approach is still feasible. All these features make the book stand out from other existing publications.

Software Engineering

Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: Texts - Vol. 3
Fundamental Concepts In Computer Science
edited by Erol Gelenbe (Imperial College London, UK) & Jean-Pierre Kahane (Université de Paris Sud – Orsay, France)

This book presents fundamental contributions to computer science as written and recounted by those who made the contributions themselves. As such, it is a highly original approach to a "living history" of the field of computer science. The scope of the book is broad in that it covers all aspects of computer science, going from the theory of computation, the theory of programming, and the theory of computer system performance, all the way to computer hardware and to major numerical applications of computers.

Data Analysis and Visualization
by Antonio Siciliano (University of Bari, Italy)

MATLAB is currently the language of technical computing most known and used in academia, industry and services. It is composed of a set of tools and a very large number of functions, graphics objects with associated properties and operators.

Introduction To Windows® and Graphics Programming With Visual C++®.NET
by Roger Mayne (University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA)

This book provides an accessible approach to the study of Windows programming with Visual C++. It is intended to be an introduction to Visual C++ for technical people including practicing engineers, engineering students, and others who would like to understand Windows programming and use its inherent graphic capabilities. While the book is aimed at a technical audience, the mathematical content is modest and it should be readable by most people interested in C++ programming. It introduces readers to Windows programming in a natural way, making use of the object-oriented environment, the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), and the document/view organization.

Property-Preserving Petri Net Process Algebra In Software Engineering
by Hejiao Huang (Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, China) & Li Jiao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

In a component-based approach for system design, one of the difficult problems is how to prove the correctness of the created components. Usually, the constituent components are supposed to be correct, i.e., possessing the desirable properties and being free from undesirable ones. However, the operators may destroy these properties or create new ones, resulting in an undesirable new component. Hence, every created component has to go through a new process of verification. This indeed involves a tremendous amount of effort!

Neural Networks/Networking

Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Theory and Applications (2nd Edition)
by Carlos de Morais Cordeiro (Intel Corporation, USA) & Dharma Prakash Agrawal (University of Cincinnati, USA)

Least Squares Support Vector Machines
by Johan A K Suykens, Tony Van Gestel, Jos De Brabanter, Bart De Moor & Joos Vandewalle (K U Leuven, Belgium)

This book focuses on Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVMs) which are reformulations to standard SVMs. LS-SVMs are closely related to regularization networks and Gaussian processes but additionally emphasize and exploit primal-dual interpretations from optimization theory. The authors explain the natural links between LS-SVM classifiers and kernel Fisher discriminant analysis. Bayesian inference of LS-SVM models is discussed, together with methods for imposing sparseness and employing robust statistics.

Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: Texts - Vol. 4
Analysis and Synthesis of Computer Systems (2nd Edition)
by Erol Gelenbe (Imperial College, UK) & Isi Mitrani (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

Theoretical Computer Science

New Trends In Qualitative and Quantitative Methods In Libraries
Selected Papers Presented at the 2nd Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries
Proceedings of the International Conference on QQML2010

edited by Anthi Katsirikou (University of Piraeus Library, Greece) & Christos Skiadas (Technical University of Crete, Greece)

This unique volume presents the latest scientific achievements of library researchers and professionals on the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Libraries. Scholars and professionals have now an information resource on methodological tools for library services. Except for the new technologies that facilitate the innovation of libraries, it is the underlying policy and functional changes that have the most lasting effect on the scholarly operation that explains why this volume is important in the field or market.

Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing By Graph Transformation
Volume 3: Concurrency, Parallelism, and Distribution
edited by H Ehrig (Technical University of Berlin, Germany), H-J Kreowski (University of Bremen, Germany), U Montanari (University of Pisa, Italy), & G Rozenberg (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

Graph grammars originated in the late 60s, motivated by considerations about pattern recognition and compiler construction. Since then, the list of areas which have interacted with the development of graph grammars has grown quite impressively. Besides the aforementioned areas, it includes software specification and development, VLSI layout schemes, database design, modeling of concurrent systems, massively parallel computer architectures, logic programming, computer animation, developmental biology, music composition, visual languages, and many others.

Lecture Notes In Data Mining
edited by Michael W Berry & Murray Browne (University of Tennessee, USA)

This book is a series of seventeen edited "student-authored lectures" which explore in depth the core of data mining (classification, clustering and association rules) by offering overviews that include both analysis and insight.

World Scientific Series in Information Studies - Vol. 3
Emergent Information
An Outline Unified Theory of Information Framework
by Wolfgang Hofkirchner (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

At the dawn of the information age, a proper understanding of information and how it relates to matter and energy is of utmost importance for the survival of civilisation. Yet, attempts to reconcile information concepts underlying science and technology with those en vogue in social science, humanities, and arts are rather rare. This book offers a new approach, departing from fragmented information concepts.

Many academics refrain from undergoing unifications, as most undertakings are reductionistic. This book contends that it is the noble task of an as-yet-to-be-developed science of information to go one step in the direction of a unified theory of information without falling back into neither reduction nor anthropomorphisation.

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Digital Security

Building Secure and High-Performance Software Systems
by Issa Traore (University of Victoria, Canada) & Ahmed Awad E Ahmed (University of Victoria, Canada)

Designing reliable, complex and dependable software systems is a continuous challenge to the software engineering community. The contribution of this book is two fold: bring to light a large body of knowledge on this issue and proposing basic techniques to build secure high-performance software systems. The first part focuses on performance requirements analysis for distributed software systems. Techniques for analyzing and testing software performance requirements are introduced.

Handbook of Security And Networks
edited by Yang Xiao (The University of Alabama, USA), Frank H Li (The University of South Carolina Upstate, USA), & Hui Chen (Virginia State University, USA)

This valuable handbook is a comprehensive compilation of state-of-art advances on security in computer networks. More than 40 internationally recognized authorities in the field of security and networks contribute articles in their areas of expertise. These international researchers and practitioners are from highly-respected universities, renowned research institutions and IT companies from all over the world. Each self-contained chapter covers one essential research topic on security in computer networks. Through the efforts of all the authors, all chapters are written in a uniformed style; each containing a comprehensive overview, the latest pioneering work and future research direction of a research topic.

Trust and Security In Collaborative Computing
by Xukai Zou (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA), Yuan-Shun Dai (University of Tennessee, USA), & Yi Pan (Georgia State University, USA)

Computer networks are compromised by various unpredictable factors, such as hackers, viruses, spam, faults, and system failures, hindering the full utilization of computer systems for collaborative computing - one of the objectives for the next generation of the Internet. It includes the functions of data communication, resource sharing, group cooperation, and task allocation. One popular example of collaborative computing is grid computing.

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Theoretical Computer Science

The Handbook On Reasoning-Based Intelligent Systems

Kazumi Nakamatsu

The Functional Interpretation of Logical Deduction

Ruy J G B de Queiroz et al.

VLSI Physical Design Automation

Theory and Practice
Sadiq M Sait et al.

Journal Highlight

World Scientific congratulates the managing editors of the International Journal of Neural Systems (IJNS) and the International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM) and their editorial board members for the latest Impact Factor achievements of 4.237 and 3.139 respectively.

As part of our celebrations, we will be granting a two-month (August and September) Free Access to all of the 2008 and 2009 issues of the journals.

Visit: http://www.worldscinet.com/ijns/ and http://www.worldscinet.com/ijitdm/ for more details.

International Journal of Neural Systems (IJNS)

Hojjat Adeli

(The Ohio State University, USA )

The top cited articles for the journal are as follows:

International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (IJITDM)

Yong Shi

(University of Nebraska, Omaha)

The top cited articles for the journal are as follows:

Titles By Now Publishers
Published by Now Publishers and marketed by World Scientific

Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval
Volume 5 Issue 2-3

Automatic Summarization
by Ani Nenkova (University of Pennsylvania) and Kathleen McKeown (Columbia University)

It has now been 50 years since the publication of Luhn's seminal paper on automatic summarization. During these years the practical need for automatic summarization has become increasingly urgent and numerous papers have been published on the topic. As a result, it has become harder to find a single reference that gives an overview of past efforts or a complete view of summarization tasks and necessary system components. This article attempts to fill this void by providing a comprehensive overview of research in summarization, including the more traditional efforts in sentence extraction as well as the most novel recent approaches for determining important content, for domain and genre specific summarization and for evaluation of summarization. We also discuss the challenges that remain open, in particular the need for language generation and deeper semantic understanding of language that would be necessary for future advances in the field.

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Parallel Processing Letters 20th Anniversary Celebration

Parallel Processing Letters Journal (PPL) celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, which also marks Professor Selim Akl's 5th year as its Editor-in-Chief. To commemorate this special occasion, we are granting free access to the September 2011 special issue on Large Scale Parallel Processing for September and October.

Do visit the website at http://www.worldscinet.com/ppl/ in these months for your free access to the September issue!

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General Interests

Managing Knowledge Assets,
Creativity and Innovation

Dorothy A Leonard

" Dorothy Leonard's path-breaking research and writing on innovation have guided the field for over 20 years. This collection is an indispensable guide to her most important contributions. They reveal how knowledge, people, and organizations facilitate -- or hinder -- the genesis of products that change the world. "
-- Teresa M Amabile, Harvard Business School

Science Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers of English
Hilary Glasman-Deal

"I managed to dramatically improve my writing skills. The best thing is that it is not generic but filled with concrete examples."
-- Marko Tkalcic, Univ. of Ljubljana

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