64-bit memory usage

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Aug 18, 2008, 12:32:46 AM8/18/08
to ebbebb
Please excuse my ignorance, but is it true that a 64-bit distro uses
twice the memory for each web server instance?

Also, is ebb considered production-ready yet? (the posts which say it
isn't are like _months_ ago ;-)


carmen r

Aug 18, 2008, 1:27:53 AM8/18/08
to ebb...@googlegroups.com
> Please excuse my ignorance, but is it true that a 64-bit distro uses
> twice the memory for each web server instance?

unlikely - a couple things that took 32bits of space on 32bit chips, take 64bits.,namely long integers and pointers. memory addresses may only be 40 or 48 bits, and the compiler may optimize for this.

proably 33% more RAM is a more typical figure..

ry dahl

Aug 18, 2008, 8:58:44 AM8/18/08
to ebb...@googlegroups.com
> Also, is ebb considered production-ready yet? (the posts which say it
> isn't are like _months_ ago ;-)

Some people are using it on real servers - I am not.
I'm working on a rewrite at git://github.com/ry/ebb.git. I'll have a
release, which will be 0.3, in the next week or so.

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