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Aug 6, 2008, 3:40:11 PM8/6/08
to ebbebb, to...@medioh.com
i wrote a new web server today. it only works on yarv and it requires
rev but it's mostly written in ruby (instead of c).


it uses fibers and not threads. (maybe i'll add deferred requets
it should handle chunked uploads (and soon chunked responses)
it does pipelined requests too, i think
but not ssl.


Dae San Hwang

Aug 7, 2008, 12:06:36 PM8/7/08
to ebb...@googlegroups.com
Ry, are you going to start new web server project every other week? ;)

I just tried out flow but got the following error.. Can you take a look?

/Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:136:in `initialize': undefined method
`shift' for #<String:0x6d69d8> (NoMethodError)
from /Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:71:in `new'
from /Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:71:in `process'
from /Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:61:in `block in on_request'

ry dahl

Aug 7, 2008, 1:04:56 PM8/7/08
to ebb...@googlegroups.com
> Ry, are you going to start new web server project every other week? ;)

while im unemployed - maybe :)

I was doing some non-standard rack stuff, but it should be normal now.

Dae San Hwang

Aug 7, 2008, 1:31:05 PM8/7/08
to ebb...@googlegroups.com
This time, I get the following error. I think it's because ruby 1.9
String doesn't support each method any more..

/Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:145:in `call': undefined method `each'
for #<String:0x6dd814> (NoMethodError)
from /Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:69:in `process'
from /Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:56:in `block in on_request'

ry dahl

Aug 7, 2008, 1:36:58 PM8/7/08
to ebb...@googlegroups.com
i think you shouldn't return strings from rack apps (anymore?)

from the rack spec:
> The Body must respond to each and must only yield String values.
> The Body commonly is an Array of Strings,
> the application instance itself, or a File-like object.


Dae San Hwang

Aug 7, 2008, 9:27:41 PM8/7/08
to ebb...@googlegroups.com
Ruby 1.8 string is enumerable and responds to 'each' while ruby 1.9
string is not enumerable and thus does not responds to 'each'.. By the
way, I do not understand why body needs to be splitted before the web
server sends the response. I guess it's there for the performance

I fixed the problem (for now) just by wrapping body string with an
array. It works fine now. However, I get the following error

/Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:145:in `call': undefined method `each'

for #<String:0x433a28> (NoMethodError)

from /Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:69:in `process'
from /Users/daesan/flow/lib/flow.rb:56:in `block in on_request'


Dae San Hwang

Aug 7, 2008, 11:01:11 PM8/7/08
to ebb...@googlegroups.com
Following error occurs only when the browser request for "/
favicon.ico" so I think the problem is with my framework. I should
check my routing logic.
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