easyXDM - Security: Notice about possible vulnerability

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Øyvind Sean Kinsey

Nov 27, 2012, 1:27:49 AM11/27/12
to easyxdm, easyxdm-...@googlegroups.com
We have been made aware of a possible attack vector and will be issuing an update that removes this shortly.

In order to offer increased protection for high-value sites using easyXDM, we'd like to push the updates to these first, before releasing the possible attack vector to the public.

If you want your site to be on this list, please send a brief description of the site, together with an contact email related to the site to "oyv...@kinsey.no" and we will add you if the site meets the initial criteria. 

The message can optionally be encrypted with my GPG key, which can be found on https://www.facebook.com/notes/%C3%B8yvind-sean-kinsey/gpg-key/10151530354373502


Øyvind Sean Kinsey
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