Releasing the first milestone of Fest Assert 2.0.

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Joel Costigliola

Feb 12, 2012, 12:10:55 PM2/12/12
to easytesting-dev
Hi Alex,

I would like to release a milestone of Fest Assert 2.0 (2.0M1).

I think it has a lot of great features that could simplify the (test)
life of our users (and mine in particular !) :
- date assertion
- custom comparator for assertions
- differentiating expected ans actual toString description in error
- ...

My only problem is I don't know the procedure to release it.

Could you help me to release it ?
Thanks in advance !


ps :
I've written (almost) complete assertions examples, have a look at the
git repo :

Ansgar Konermann

Feb 21, 2012, 3:53:03 AM2/21/12
Hi Joel,

would love to help. Will get back to you this evening (currently at work).

Best regards


Joel Costigliola

Feb 21, 2012, 8:02:16 AM2/21/12
Thanks Ansgar !

Actually, I was chatting with Alex last week, he told me that he was planning to document how to release Fest for last thursday but as I haven't got any news I'm not sure he had the time to do it (Alex is overwhelmed by work these days).
Alex, some news on that ?

Anyway, if you can help and relieve Alex of that task, it would be a good thing.



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Ansgar Konermann

Feb 22, 2012, 3:38:18 PM2/22/12
Hi Joel,

re the release procedure: not sure if you could get information from
Alex during your last chat how he would like to do a release. If so,
even better.

AFAIK, a common approach for releasing is:
1. make sure all tests pass
2. use maven release plugin to perform and deploy the artifacts to a
public remote repository which is synced to maven central
3. generate change log/release notes
4. announce release on mailing list

1. should be quite obvious to do
2. regarding the publishing: I see two options here: using the usual
codehaus' mechanisms to publish artifacts versus using Sonatype's OSS
Repository Hosting service. I'm currently evaluating the latter for one
of my other projects (Maven Drools Plugin). I have no experience with
the Codehaus publishing mechanism however.
3. change log can normally generated automatically by JIRA (tag all
fixed issues with the version number you're publishing, click on
"release notes" ;-)
4. mainly manual work (write an email...)

What do you think? Can we merge this information with "What would Alex
do?" and derive a procedure/step by step plan for releasing? Are there
any points you would like to have more detailed information, or would
you like to delegate some of the steps? Many Apache projects have a
dedicated "release manager" on a per-release basis who is responsible to
get a high-quality release out of the door in a timely fashion. Would
you like to be the release manager for FEST-Assert 2.0-M1?

One final suggestion: I'd love to have the release process documented
somewhere. Maybe github pages is fine for this purpose?

Best regards


Am 12.02.2012 18:10, schrieb Joel Costigliola:

Joel Costigliola

Feb 23, 2012, 5:43:24 AM2/23/12
Hi Ansgar,

I'm ok to be release manager - now I can add a line to my resume saying I'm a manager ;o)

I will try to involve Alex if he has time, but let's suppose Alex is too busy and see if we can cope on our own.

My comment on the points you have mentioned :

1 - all tests pass ... unless 2 related to tmp files that fails randomly (at least under Linux), I'll investigate that.

2 - I use the maven release plugin at work but we are not publishing on a public repository, that is the blocking point for me.
I don't know codehaus' mechanisms to publish artifacts neither Sonatype's OSS, some help would be welcome (any doc available on the subject ?).

3 - I use Jira at work, no problem here.

4 - The release announcement will just be an email to our users, let's keep it simple for the time being. For the final release, I would like to create a new web site for Fest Assert based on github, with a lot of examples to show how Fest Assert can shine (the confluence doc is very very slow from France and I think it would be a good thing to move our doc to git). But this is not a simple task as I'm not a web designer guy.

And yes I will document the release process :)


Joel Costigliola

Feb 29, 2012, 5:04:33 PM2/29/12
to easytesting-dev
Hey Ansgar,

Would you have admin rights on Fest Jira ?
I'm not able to create a version and I think I need admin rights, if
you have them can you grant me admin right ?



On Feb 23, 11:43 am, Joel Costigliola <>

Joel Costigliola

Mar 11, 2012, 9:18:14 AM3/11/12
to easytesting-dev
FYI, concerning release process, I'm looking at Sonatype repository.

On Feb 29, 11:04 pm, Joel Costigliola <>

Joel Costigliola

Mar 14, 2012, 5:21:56 PM3/14/12
to easytesting-dev
Some update about releasing Fest.

I have have registered fest at sonatype as part of releasing fest from
Sonatype infrastructure

This means we won't release to codehaus repo anymore.

I was able to deploy a snapshot of fest parent pom as you can see here;quick~fest
This is cool :)

But I was unable to release it, it fails when execting mvn
release:perform (mvn release:prepare was ok) because it expects to the
repo git to contain a pom.xml at its root (at least this is what I
Unfortunately contain 3
- fest-maven-assembly
- fest-maven-parent-pom
- fest-maven-site
I think expected to be in fest-maven-parent-pom directly.

To solve I think we should move fest-maven-assembly and fest-maven-
site to their own git repo, and modify fest-maven-setup to contain
only fest-maven-parent-pom content only.

I'll try that in the next few days if no one disagree.


On Mar 11, 2:18 pm, Joel Costigliola <>
> FYI, concerning release process, I'm looking at Sonatype repository.

Joel Costigliola

Mar 19, 2012, 5:56:22 PM3/19/12
to easytesting-dev
Hey good news !

Thanks to sonatype guys, I was finally able to release some fest
artifact to maven central.
Ok, it's only the fest parent pom but it means I'm not blocked anymore
to release Fest Assert 2.0M1.

Here it is :|org.easytesting|fest|1.0.11|pom

I still need to see how to allow you guys to perform a release.



On Mar 14, 10:21 pm, Joel Costigliola <>
> Some update about releasing Fest.
> I have have registered fest at sonatype as part of releasing fest from
> Sonatype infrastructure
> This means we won't release to codehaus repo anymore.
> I was able to deploy a snapshot of fest parent pom as you can see here;quick~fest
> This is cool :)
> But I was unable to release it, it fails when execting mvn
> release:perform (mvn release:prepare was ok) because it expects to the
> repo git to contain a pom.xml at its root (at least this is what I
> think)
> Unfortunately 3
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