Review of possible implementations of FEST-64

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Joel Costigliola

Nov 27, 2011, 12:08:00 PM11/27/11
to easytesting-dev
Hi guys,

I know,it's a long post, but read it anyway :)

I have started implementing FEST-64 (
FEST-64) to provide custom comparison strategy (instead of equals())
for basic assertions like,isEqualTo, isIn, ...

assertion example :
raceComparator = new RaceComparator();

I have tried different implementations (only for isEqualTo for the
time being), I would like to have your point of view of which you
prefer (and suggest a better way).

Implementation 1 : relies on Objects singleton
- add customComparator to AbstractAssert
- AbstractAssert.isEqualTo decides which strategy to use => if/else
public S isEqualTo(A expected) {
if (mustUseCustomComparator()) {
objects.assertEqualUsingComparator(info, actual, expected,
} else {
objects.assertEqual(info, actual, expected);
return myself;
- entails new method assertEqualUsingComparator in Objects to
propagate comparator
- add method shouldBeEqualUsingComparator to ShouldBeEqual to get an
error message mentioning the comparator usage

see full implementation here in github FEST-64 branch :

Implementation 2 : use Strategy design Pattern to switch of comparison

- no customComparator in AbstractAssert, comparison strategy is hedl
by AbstractAssert.objects attribute
- for standard comparison strategy, objects is Objects singleton
- for custom comparison strategy, objects is
ObjectsWithCustomComparisonStrategy a subclass of Objects - a new
instance of ObjectsWithCustomComparisonStrategy is built for each
- ObjectsWithCustomComparisonStrategy has a Comparator attribute.
- AbstractAssert isEqualTo method is not modified, it just swith of
comparison strategy on demand :

public S usingComparator(Comparator<?> customComparator) {
// using a specific strategy to compare actual with other objects.
this.objects = new
return myself;

- Objects has been refactored to let subclass overides areEqual and
shouldBeEqual methods

here's ObjectsWithCustomComparisonStrategy one's

protected boolean areEqual(Object actual, Object other) {
return, other) == 0;

protected AssertionErrorFactory shouldBeEqual(Object actual, Object
expected) {
return shouldBeEqualUsingComparator(actual, expected, comparator);

- a ShouldBeEqualUsingComparator has been created extending
ShouldBeEqual and overiding
methods creating error message to mention comparator usage.

code is available in FEST-64-Polymorphic-implementation branch :


I prefer implementation 2 based on ObjectsWithCustomComparisonStrategy
because :
- AbstractAssert is almost not changed
- comparison logic is well encapsulated (Strategy Design pattern)
- the specifics of error message building are also encapsulated

Please share your comments/idea with me.

In the meantime, I gonna continue working on FEST-64-Polymorphic-



Joel Costigliola

Dec 18, 2011, 11:54:59 AM12/18/11
to easytesting-dev
For anyone interested, here is an update on FEST-64.

I finally ends up with using a ComparisonStrategy interface to
delegate all comparison operations to, it understands following
comparison :
- areEqual
- isGreaterThan/isLessThan
- contains (for collection, array and string)
- startsWith, endsWith for String
- removes (since removing an object from a collection is based on
equals method we must redefine it to be consistent with
ComparisonStrategy areEqual)

There is two implementation of ComparisonStrategy
- StandardComparisonStrategy that just use natural comparison (i.e.
the one currently used if client don't used a Comparator)
- ComparatorBasedComparisonStrategy that use a Comparator to perform

The code in progress can be reviewes at following branches :

This is still a wip and there is a lot of work still to do but I think
it is the way to go


On Nov 27, 6:08 pm, Joel Costigliola <>

> code is available in FEST-64-Polymorphic-implementation branch :

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