Bookmarklet issue

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Clement Noel

Apr 23, 2015, 5:52:24 AM4/23/15

Good morning,


I have tried the bookmarklet on non-HTTPS web page with and without the proxy and it worked fine. But when I have tried with HTTPs web page, with and without the proxy, I have encountered the same error:

Do I need to change some settings?


New topic :

I also have to ask about the EasySOA scaffolder that we have in the EasySOA 0.4 Demo, do we have the same tool in EasySOA 2.0 Release or do I need to install an other feature ?




Apr 23, 2015, 11:33:39 AM4/23/15
Dear Noel,

First thanks for sharing your problems with the community.

Now let's try to share some answers as well :

* bookmarklet https problem : the culprit are probably CSPs (Content Security Policy). Thanks for pointing this out, I've updated the wiki FAQ about it :

##### The bookmarklet fails to load and the javascript console says that Content Security Policy has prevented it

Check that CSPs allow it to load, as said in the tool's online documentation:

Warning, this bookmarklet also downloads and embeds javascript code within the page (like a lot of bookmarklets do), which must therefore be allowed by CSPs (Content Security Policy) configured on the page and in the browser. If the browser's CSPs are blocking, change its configuration while using the bookmarklet. For instance with Firefox (which starting from version 23 blocks it by default), a quick solution is (with due caution) to enter "about:config" in the URL address bar and change the value of "security.mixed_content.block_active_content" and an even simpler one is to [install a dedicated add-on](

Finally, if a visited page's CSPs are blocking, if it's served by your own servers, configure their CSPs (Content-Security-Policy HTTP header) so it's allowed. And if it's served by outside servers, it is probably not useful (let's remember that EasySOA Discovery By Browsing is first and foremost a tool for discovering your OWN services and those of your applications), but if required you can configure its own CSPs on client side by using a developer tool such as [the UserCSP add-on](

##### There are javascript errors while loading the bookmarklet

The page's libraries are probably interferring with the script's. Try opening the page in a new browser tab.

Besides, I've added it in the tool's online doc, as well as improved error handling in bookmarklet loading, so if it still doesn't work you can try updating it :

Download and replace the files at in your EasySOA 's Discovery By Browsing subdirectory, edit the js/settings.js file as now stated in the doc and you should be all set.

* scaffolder availability : unfortunately, some EasySOA 0.4 features have not been packaged in 2.0, and the scaffolder is one of them.

As said, the reason is not because migrating it would be a lot of work (it is not, since all the scaffolder needs to work is a WSDL URL), but because there are a lot of similar, more featureful tools, such as SOAPUI, with which EasySOA is integrated (by generating SOAPUI configurations) - have a look at the SOAPUI integration online doc (see the "Tools" section at the bottom of the home page) :

However, if installed separately the 0.4 version still works, provided you enter in the browser URLs like this :

Even better : i've just enabled the Service Scaffolder link in EasySOA 2.0 and added basic doc about it saying :

use the Cartography tool to go to a service's deployment and there click on the "Service Scaffolder" tool (provided both run on the same host, or serviceScaffolder.url has been configured in nxserver/config/ below the EasySOA Registry 2.0 install path)

You can get this by building EasySOA Registry from Github (requires Git, Java 7, maven 3 & ruby) :

    git clone
    cd EasySOA-Incubation/easysoa-registry-v1
    mvn clean install -Pmarketplace -DskipTests
    ./nuxeo.rb deploy
    cp -rf easysoa-registry-marketplace/target/nuxeo-cap-* $YOUR_EASYSOA_INSTALL_PATH/

(more details about this at )

Marc Dutoo
Open Wide

Clement Noel

Apr 24, 2015, 11:26:17 AM4/24/15
Hi Mr Dutoo,

Thank you for your quick answer.

I have downloaded the new version of EasySOA's Discovery by Browsing and the bookmarklet works fine now, with the about:config changes you indicated. The two add-ons you mentionned, Toggle Mixed Active Content and UserCSP, unfortunately they both don't work.

And for the SOAP UI, I can export my wsdl files from the collaborative interface using the quick-button for SOAPUI and download them in a .xml format. But when I try to import them into SOAPUI which I have installed, I can't open the .xml file because it was exported with with a special heading in xml. I can only open it if I delete the special heading and if I save it as .wsdl file.


Marc Dutoo

Apr 24, 2015, 2:08:53 PM4/24/15
Le 24/04/2015 17:26, Clement Noel a écrit :
> Hi Mr Dutoo,
> Thank you for your quick answer.
> I have downloaded the new version of EasySOA's Discovery by Browsing
> and the bookmarklet works fine now, with the about:config changes you
> indicated. The two add-ons you mentionned, Toggle Mixed Active Content
> and UserCSP, unfortunately they both don't work.
I'm happy the first way worked for you. As for the plugins, I admit I
haven't tried them, so thanks for this feedback, disappointing though it is.

> And for the SOAP UI, I can export my wsdl files from the collaborative
> interface using the quick-button for SOAPUI and download them in a
> .xml format. But when I try to import them into SOAPUI which I have
> installed, I can't open the .xml file because it was exported with
> with a special heading in xml. I can only open it if I delete the
> special heading and if I save it as .wsdl file.
It actually works using SOAPUI 4.0.1, but I guess you've tried the
newest one. Thanks for your feedback, it'll allow me to also support it.

However, as I understand, you're talking about importing WSDLs in
SOAPUI, while I was talking about opening with SOAPUI the SOAPUI conf
produced by clicking on the SOAPUI button (have a look at the "Services
déployés" screenshot at ) from this
SOAPUI conf template :

So have you tried it ?

Finally, once all your problems have been solved, I'll try to do a new

Clement Noel

Apr 30, 2015, 11:41:39 AM4/30/15
Good morning Mr Dutoo,

I had tried SOAPUI with a SOAP.conf document which I had got from the Nuxeo plateform as you had suggested me. And this is how I went back to you saying that I needed to change the files in order to avoid compatibility issues. But it make me ask this question:
in the discovery by monitoring help document it is said that we can get services from SOAP and REST protocols, nevertheless EasySOA only discover WSDL files and REST doesn't often carry WSDL files, so how does it discover REST services not using WSDL format ?

Also I started to install EasySOA on a command line Centos server on an Amazon VM, I had totally differents issues of course, but maybe you can still help me:
I have started Nuxeo and Discovery by Browsing but I can't start the proxy using ./, java environment is set correctly, what can be not set?

Do I need to change my browser proxy as in the walk through ?

Thank you for your help.

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Clément Noël
Troisième année à Télécom Saint Etienne


May 12, 2015, 5:07:26 AM5/12/15
Dear Clément,

I'm trying to answer what I can since I don't have much time this month.

On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 5:41:39 PM UTC+2, Clement Noel wrote:
Good morning Mr Dutoo,

I had tried SOAPUI with a SOAP.conf document which I had got from the Nuxeo plateform as you had suggested me. And this is how I went back to you saying that I needed to change the files in order to avoid compatibility issues. But it make me ask this question:
in the discovery by monitoring help document it is said that we can get services from SOAP and REST protocols, nevertheless EasySOA only discover WSDL files and REST doesn't often carry WSDL files, so how does it discover REST services not using WSDL format ?

There would be a lot to discuss here. Obviously, REST services on the whole are simpler to work with and less defined (which is one reason people like them), so harder to discover automatically. However, while SOAP is a standard and very precisely and formally defined, REST is rather an approach and covers a lot of standards, would-be standards and frameworks, so all hope is not lost : for instance EasySOA supports discovery of Java JAXRS REST services in the source code (using a Maven plugin). And the point of EasySOA is not to answer all and everything, but to be extensible so that YOUR OWN REST standard, practices and framework can be also supported ; for instance, if I had time I'd like to add support stuff like [Swagger](, RAML, [SPorE](

Also I started to install EasySOA on a command line Centos server on an Amazon VM, I had totally differents issues of course, but maybe you can still help me:
I have started Nuxeo and Discovery by Browsing but I can't start the proxy using ./, java environment is set correctly, what can be not set?

Do I need to change my browser proxy as in the walk through ?
Never tried Centos nor Amazon.
What's the startup error ? Is the startup trace any different on this setup vs your original one ?

Marc Dutoo
Open Wide

Thank you for your help.
2015-04-24 20:08 GMT+02:00 Marc Dutoo :
Le 24/04/2015 17:26, Clement Noel a écrit :
Hi Mr Dutoo,

Thank you for your quick answer.

I have downloaded the new version of EasySOA's Discovery by Browsing and the bookmarklet works fine now, with the about:config changes you indicated. The two add-ons you mentionned, Toggle Mixed Active Content and UserCSP, unfortunately they both don't work.
I'm happy the first way worked for you. As for the plugins, I admit I haven't tried them, so thanks for this feedback, disappointing though it is.

And for the SOAP UI, I can export my wsdl files from the collaborative interface using the quick-button for SOAPUI and download them in a .xml format. But when I try to import them into SOAPUI which I have installed, I can't open the .xml file because it was exported with with a special heading in xml. I can only open it if I delete the special heading and if I save it as .wsdl file.
It actually works using SOAPUI 4.0.1, but I guess you've tried the newest one. Thanks for your feedback, it'll allow me to also support it.

However, as I understand, you're talking about importing WSDLs in SOAPUI, while I was talking about opening with SOAPUI the SOAPUI conf produced by clicking on the SOAPUI button (have a look at the "Services déployés" screenshot at ) from this SOAPUI conf template :

So have you tried it ?

Finally, once all your problems have been solved, I'll try to do a new release.

Marc Dutoo
Open Wide

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Clement Noel

May 20, 2015, 5:20:26 AM5/20/15
Dear Marc,

I have finalized the installation of EasySOA on an Centos Amazon Server, I just had port authorizations to make on Amazon EC2. Everything works fine with the Nuxeo platform, we can browse and monitor services, the bookmarklet appears and detect services BUT:

When we want to save a service that was detected by the bookmarklet, it doesn't save it on the Nuxeo platform.
I have tried to see the logs of the registry server to see error but I just see the opening of the bookmarklet and the discovery of the service.

What can be the issue?

I think this will be my final issue, so I won't bother you anymore after this one.


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Clément Noël
Troisième année à Télécom Saint Etienne

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Clement Noel

May 20, 2015, 5:47:20 AM5/20/15
Sorry I have forgot to mention after the last line I encountered an : "info - transport end (close timeout).

Thank you for your help.

Marc Dutoo

Jun 2, 2015, 6:56:21 AM6/2/15
Dear Clément,

Did you succeed to log in from the Discovery by browsing web UI or bookmarklet (to the nuxeo server) ?
If not, it could be that the nuxeo server port is not visible

Otherwise, when using Firebug, what is the AJAX request made by the browser to save the detected service ? how does it end, what are the request and response body ?
Check that the server address is the right one from your desktop computer and not "localhost", otherwise try to change NUXEO_URL in easysoa-discovery-browsing/js/settings.js  .

This has nothing to do with it, but you can also configure nuxeo-cap-5.7.1-tomcat/nxserver/config/ (take the default one at )

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