Black screen on video not all the time.

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Haim Nachum

Mar 27, 2015, 8:46:42 AM3/27/15
I'm using the easyrtc client and server to make a simple video call.
I've made a test call not in my local network but through the internet.
The call succeeded once, but now i'm getting only a black screen.
If i debug the client script i see that on the receiving end the "setStreamAcceptor" is fired and it set the video src to the easyrtc peer url.

I've noticed also that if i make a call on my local network (which always work) and put a breakpoint on the setStreamAcceptor callback
which stops the code execution for a few seconds, i get a black screen and the stream does not work.

So, i have a couple of questions regarding this issue:
1. How can i know for certain if the video issue is not caused by the need to use a turn server (im running my own turn server)
2. What happens once the video src attribute is set to the url of the stream (can i debug it and see if the stream fails?)


Eric Davies

Mar 27, 2015, 2:54:20 PM3/27/15
There is relatively new listener supported by webrtc for finding out about changes to the ice state, but we don't support it yet.

When you receive a media stream from the other party, it's really meta data you are receiving via a signalling server. The data doesn't start flowing immediately yet. Outside of monitoring the ice state, I don't know of any solutions.

Another user has implemented support for ice state checking. See . You can probably just pull in his changes.

Haim Nachum

Mar 28, 2015, 6:49:29 AM3/28/15
I've managed to find why my video call didn't work by learning the NAT type of my private network using STUNTMAN.
I hope i can learn that in real time using the "oniceconnectionstatechange" event.
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