Having problem running the server: WebRTC setUserCfg command received. This feature is not yet complete.

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Jun 21, 2019, 2:33:06 PM6/21/19
to EasyRTC

So I tested the server and it seems to be working on my windows machine locally. After I installed it on my Linux virtual machine, I can't seem to be able to connect it remotely. I searched online and I found out that it needed TURN server config which wasn't there by default. The docs said that the format should be as follows:

[{url: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"}, {url: "stun:stun.sipgate.net"}, {url: "stun:"}, {url: "stun:stun.sipgate.net:10000"}, {url: "stun:"}]

  • The format for a TURN server is:

{"url":"turn:[ADDRESS]:[PORT]","username":"[USERNAME]", "credential":"[CREDENTIAL]"}

Now I had this in my easyrtc_default_options file:

{urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"},

    {urls: "stun:stun.sipgate.net"},

    {urls: "stun:"},

    {urls: "stun:stun.sipgate.net:10000"},

    {urls: "stun:"},

     {urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"},

This doesn't match the documentation -_- so I tried all permutation combinations of some free TURN serves and I installed one of my own and pasted this:


                    urls: "turn:turn.bistri.com:80",

                    username: "homeo",

                    credential: "homeo"



                     urls: "turn:turn.anyfirewall.com:443?transport=tcp",

                     username: "webrtc",

                     credential: "webrtc"



                    urls: "turn:my_vm_ip:3478",

                    username: "test",

                    credential: "test"



                                    url: "turn:relay_ip:3478",

                                    username: "test",

                                    credential: "test"



                                     url: "turn:turn.bistri.com:80",

                                             username: "homeo",

                                             credential: "homeo"



                                              url: "turn:turn.anyfirewall.com:443?transport=tcp",

                                              username: "webrtc",

                                              credential: "webrtc"



                                            url: "turn:my_vm_ip:3478",

                                            username: "test",

                                            credential: "test"



                                                            url: "turn:relay_ip:3478",

                                                            username: "test",

                                                            credential: "test"


None of this works. Is it supposed to be in this format, meaning the url in quotes?:


                                            "url": "turn:my_vm_ip:3478",

                                            "username": "test",

                                            "credential": "test"


The actual error is this: 

WebRTC setUserCfg command received. This feature is not yet complete.

Please let me know why this is happening and how to fix this. Thanks in advance. 


Sep 19, 2019, 8:58:33 AM9/19/19
to EasyRTC
Hi, I am probably too late, but anyway, this is how my config looks there (urls w/o quotes, username with quotes):

option.appIceServers = [
    {urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"},
    {urls: "stun:MYSERVERIPHERE:3478", "username":"MYUSERNAMEHERE", "credential":"MYPASSWORDHERE"},
    {urls: "turn:MYSERVERIPHERE:3478?transport=tcp", "username":"MYUSERNAMEHERE", "credential":"MYPASSWORDHERE"},
    {urls: "turn:MYSERVERIPHERE:3478?transport=udp", "username":"MYUSERNAMEHERE", "credential":"MYPASSWORDHERE"}

where I have coturn installed on a Linux server MYSERVERIPHERE
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