EasyRTC v1.0.12 Released

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Rod Apeldoorn

Aug 6, 2014, 3:44:53 PM8/6/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

We have released EasyRTC v1.0.12. You can find it in our GitHub repositoryNPM, and our demo server. This release includes Socket.io v1.0 support (optional), multiple stream support (Chrome only), SDP filters, and automatic ICE config refresh. See below for the full changelog.

New Features:

  • JS Client - New Function setAutoInitUserMedia() sets whether the local media is automatically acquired before a call or answer (if not already acquired).
  • JS Client - New function setSdpFilters() for modifying SDP's just before a call. See issue #77.
  • JS Client - Labs directory with example SDP filters. See issue #77.
  • JS Client - New function getServerIce() gets the list of ice servers as supplied by the server.
  • JS Client - New function setIceUsedInCalls() sets the configuration used in the next call.
  • JS Client - New function setUseFreshIceEachPeerConnection() causes the client to ask the server for a fresh ice config in the middle of each call or answer.
  • JS Client - Added support for multiple named mediastreams per connection, supported through the mediaIds apifield, getMediaStreamByName(), getLocalMediaIds(), closeLocalMediaStream(), buildLocalMediaStream(), getRemoteStream(), addStreamToCall(). See issue #34.
  • JS Client - Three new internal peer messages with types "__gotAddedMediaStream", "__closingMediaStream", and "__addedMediaStream"
  • JS Client - New function getRoomOccupantsAsArray() and getRoomOccupantsAsMap().
  • JS Client - New function useThisSocketConnection() for people that want to allocate the websocket themselves. See issue #62.
  • Server - Socket.io v1.0 support. See issue #64.
  • Server - Support for hosting experimental API's in labs. New server option 'apiLabsEnable' defaults to true. See issue #76, #77.


  • JS Client - enableCamera(), enableMicrophone(), getLocalStreamAsUrl(), initMediaSource(), call(), now take optional media stream names.
  • JS Client - initMediaSource's successCallback get passed the new media stream.
  • JS Client - an onStreamClosed listener gets passed an easyrtcid plus the stream and the stream name.
  • JS Client - Added documentation for isTurnServer().
  • JS Client - getFreshIceConfig() now takes an optional callback.
  • Demos - Changed the titles of the demos and their labels to make them consistent.
  • Demos - Gave a different app name to each demo.
  • Demos - Added a few new demos (multistream and low bandwidth).
  • JS Client - reduce the number of places where videoIds and the monitorVideoId was validated. See issue #68.


  • JS Client - Numerous documentation fixes.
  • Demos - Fixed formatting in the hd definition demo. See issue #73.
  • JS Client - Fixed a null peer connection. See issue #72.
You can update your existing installation by entering 'npm update easyrtc' from your application folder. New installations can download our sample server and follow the directions for their OS.

For discussion about the previous version, see this thread.

Rod Apeldoorn,
EasyRTC Server Lead,

Temesgen Tesfay

Sep 26, 2014, 7:21:19 PM9/26/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
how to do the ! multiple users per room (> 4) per room ? Current version supports only 4. how to modify for more users /room ?

Eric Davies

Sep 27, 2014, 12:21:49 AM9/27/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Easyrtc itself poses no hard limits on the number of users per room.
What you will run into however is bandwidth limits to your outgoing connections (a matter between users and their ISPs) and user's processing power.
You can get around this into three ways
   1) set a low camera resolution (320x240) generally works well.
   2) use SDP filtering (as demonstrated in the low-bandwidth demo) to reduce the bandwidth allocated to each video stream.
   3) Contact Dialogic about using their Powermedia XMS server. We hooked it up to Easyrtc, they are in charge of it's distribution. 

Samuele Filomena

Mar 16, 2015, 8:12:08 PM3/16/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/express/-/express-4.12.2.tgz
npm http 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/express/-/express-4.12.2.tgz
npm http 200 https://registry.npmjs.org/easyrtc/-/easyrtc-1.0.13.tgz
npm ERR! error rolling back Error: EACCES, unlink '/home/psicote/public_html/EasyRTC/node_modules/socket.io'
npm ERR! error rolling back  sock...@1.3.5 { [Error: EACCES, unlink '/home/psicote/public_html/EasyRTC/node_modules/socket.io']
npm ERR! error rolling back   stack: 'Error: EACCES, unlink \'/home/psicote/public_html/EasyRTC/node_modules/socket.io\'',
npm ERR! error rolling back   errno: -13,
npm ERR! error rolling back   code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR! error rolling back   path: '/home/psicote/public_html/EasyRTC/node_modules/socket.io' }
npm ERR! Error: EACCES, unlink '/home/psicote/public_html/EasyRTC/node_modules/socket.io'
npm ERR!  { [Error: EACCES, unlink '/home/psicote/public_html/EasyRTC/node_modules/socket.io']
npm ERR!   stack: 'Error: EACCES, unlink \'/home/psicote/public_html/EasyRTC/node_modules/socket.io\'',
npm ERR!   errno: -13,]

I got this error typing npm update in the virtual server

Rod Apeldoorn

Mar 17, 2015, 1:40:55 AM3/17/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Hi Samuele,

Your error looks like a permissions problem and you may just need to run a chown to set all files to be owned by yourself. This may have been caused by previously running 'npm install' as root.

sudo chown -R $(whoami) /home/psicote/public_html/EasyRTC/

You may also have a similar issue in your home .npm folder.

sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm


David Posin

Mar 27, 2015, 3:15:25 PM3/27/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Thank you ( and the team) for all your work!

shinetektide s

Apr 24, 2015, 5:26:53 AM4/24/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Is it support video broadcasting with out connect to the peer 

Eric Davies

Apr 30, 2015, 6:22:46 PM4/30/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
No for any likely interpretation of your question.
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