Loop reconnect clients to room

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Luis Suarez

Apr 21, 2015, 4:51:14 PM4/21/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Hi, well, I will build my video chat and made some modifications on the server to send messages to the room when an user enters or leaves a room, but I dont think it has to do with what is happening, the problem is (and does not happen all the time) when the second user enters the system sends the message to the room properly as follows;

xxxxx user has entered the room.

Chat messages seamlessly sent to all users, but suddenly reappears;

xxxxx user has entered the room.

That is, as if the user out and enter again, but the user has not left the room, and then out again and so on.

I have checked that the onMsgTypeRoomJoin event is invoked whenever this happens and not because once the user is in the room the client -side joinRoom function is not called.

This is breaking my coconut. took weeks into this and there was published to try to fix it, but not wrong.

Eric Davies

Apr 22, 2015, 2:47:29 PM4/22/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
If you want to put together a minimal set of code that demonstrates this (something where I just need to type npm install and nodejs server to start it running), send it to me and I'll try to look at it during weekend.

Luis Suarez

Apr 23, 2015, 9:20:58 AM4/23/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Hi Eric, thanks for responding. 

I enclose in this email my dropbox link with files on the client and server side at , I commented that I did minor modifications in server side files easyrtc_default_event_listeners server and easyrtc_public_obj only to send messages to customers when certain events as input and output of users of a place room. I also added some functions on the client and server so that when a user creates a room this can save some features of the room such. In dealing room, which is the main theme, etc. I do not think this is what is causing my problem.

The problem occurs when two or more users connect, mainly from different IPs. and the passage of about 5 or 10 minutes the system starts sending messages as if users join and leave frequently. I prove connecting with my phone and my PC are two different internet services so they are different IPs. 

Regards and I hope you can help me to solve this issue.

Eric Davies

Apr 23, 2015, 11:06:42 AM4/23/15
to eas...@googlegroups.com
I've pulled it down. I'll dig into it this weekend, time permitting.

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