easyRTC version (0.8.0) released

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Rod Apeldoorn

May 30, 2013, 7:52:07 PM5/30/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
We've merged easyRTC v0.8.0 into the master branch on GitHub making it the recommended release.

The top changes:
  • API - new function easyRTC.setAppDefinedFields. It is used to publish small amounts of state information to other peers via their loggedInListeners. It is the perfect way to associate a user's name with his easyrtcid.
  • API - fixed issue with initMediaSource where a second self-video hung around increasing audio feedback.
  • Server - added socket.io gzip option to config.js. The default is now false as enabling it caused problems for some users.

The full changelog for v0.8.0:

New Features:
  • API - Added support for grabbing the screen as the local media source. Currently this only works in Canary, and causes the browser to crash if you try to use it in a peer connection. 
  • API - Added support for grabbing video at high-definition instead of the default standard definition. Warning: the browser may cheat and give you a lower resolution than you asked for that has the desired aspect ratio.
  • API - Added a number of callbacks to the initManaged method to support richer interactions with the client.
  • API - Added a cleaner error reporting mechanism. The code now calls showError(errCode, errText) to report an error. showError will in turn call onError (which you can still override).
  • API - Added support for calls that get cancelled (by the initiator) before they are accepted or rejected.
  • API - Added a method to query the status of a peer to peer call.
  • API - Added the dontAddCloseButtons method.
  • Server - Added socket.io options to config.js. Note that socketIoClientGzipEnabled is now false by default as gzip causes issues on some servers (often Windows).
  • Demos - Added a screen sending and screen receiving demo. These tend to crash the browser at this point. Hopefully Google will get that feature working properly again.
  • Demos - Added a multiperson tablet-oriented chat demo that runs very nicely on your Android devices.
  • Documentation - Moved the client API documentation from mark-down format to jsDoc and added inline examples. Check out the easyRTC.html file in the docs directory. The easyrtcjs.html file is a helper file that shouldn't be looked at directly.
  • Demos - In demos which show the local media stream as both audio and video (as a mirror), the video object with the local media stream is muted and given a volume of 0.
  • Demos - Removed references to Firefox requiring flags
  • Server - Version bumps for node modules express (3.2.x) and winston (0.7.x).
  • Server - Added additional public stun servers
  • API - The mozRTCSessionDescription object didn't used to work properly in Firefox. Now it appears to be required.
  • API - When initMediaSource is called, the API creates a temporary video object to determine the pixel dimensions of the local camera. Until this version, that video object wasn't being explicitly destroyed, which resulted in a feedback shriek in Firefox and the most recent versions of Chrome. The temporary video object is now being destroyed.   

New Github Branches:
We've added a couple GitHub branches which you can get to by pressing the down arrow next to the branch button.
  • beta - Previously we did much of our programming in a private repository, but we're now going to try putting changes up into the beta branch asap.
  • demo_site - Contains a version specifically for our demo site at http://demo.easyrtc.com/ . File logging is enabled, ports are changed, and homepage is forwarded to the demos. We may try out new features in this branch first.

Big thanks to Eric who did the majority of work on this release. I'm just the server guy :)

Rod Apeldoorn, Priologic Software Inc.
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