Performing Call Immediately once LoginSuccess on Signaling Server

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Dec 18, 2014, 2:10:30 AM12/18/14
In My Application I am not using the flow used in I am NOT creating buttons to make performCall on button click.
For Video Call I just do the followings for each user:
1. set enable/disable options for video call
2. setRoomOccupantListener
3. joinRoom
4. easyrtc.easyApp

Inside my Listener:
I am doing perform call for each visitor easyrtcid.


I want to put checks I need to have on this before performCall  ( :
1. Is the visitor easyrtcid is conncted to signaling server ?
2. Is The visitor easyrtcid is currently in call ? If not then only performCall (
3. Is the visitor easyrtcid is in same room ?
4. Remove current easyrtcid from list passed in listener ?
Example for Q.4:
ListenerFunction ( roomName, data, .. )
I want to remove current easyrtcid from the list 'data' so it must not be coming in list when next time listener hits. Otherwise the listener is called multiple times.

Thanks for Help.

Eric Davies

Dec 19, 2014, 1:48:23 AM12/19/14
What the state of various room variables is after you disconnect hasn't been a case we've considered much.
I've just pushed a minor change to the beta branch that clears a bit of state on disconnect. 
If you were using stale state, it should result in you seeing nulls instead of old data.

These changes are not in the master branch. Only the beta branch. If your  api/easyrtc_int.js file doesn't have the line "@version 1.0.12 beta", then you aren't using the beta branch.
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