want to know configuration for new application

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Ram Chander

Jan 15, 2014, 8:50:56 AM1/15/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

As per documentation, I have written code for audio/video chat, and wanted to know that what configuration i have to do and which directory need to be copied my html,js and css pages.


Eric Davies

Jan 15, 2014, 12:09:17 PM1/15/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
See https://github.com/priologic/easyrtc/blob/master/docs/easyrtc_server_configuration.md , in particular the section titled "Setting Server Options Example"


Ram Chander

Jan 18, 2014, 6:49:00 AM1/18/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Eric,

I am able to configure the server and demos are working when i am opening 2tab in same browser but from other machine demo application is displaying 'Not ye Connected...'. and also bot able to create communication.

Thanks for help

Eric Davies

Jan 18, 2014, 4:20:16 PM1/18/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Let's start by making sure we are on the same page with regards to the role of clients and servers:
    One (and only one) of your machines is running the node js server. We'll call the the first machine.
    Browsers running on the first machine are able to reach the server and get the pages it servers, establish websocket connections to the server, etc.
    The other machine (which we'll call the second machine) is not running a node js server and but it is running a browser which is pointed at the server on the first machine.

On the second machine, does the demos/index.html page get displayed (has the list of demos on it)?
If not, you may have general network problem. Try running both machines on the same subnet, physically plugged in to the router (not using wifi). If that solves your problems, you simply need to run your server some place where it can found by both machines.
If so, then you've got websocket problems. Those are rare, but could be caused by a firewall on the first machine. Try turning off the firewall.

Beyond that you'll need to supply a more detailed description of your network environment, what demo in particular you are trying to run, and what browser (brand/version) you are using. We're good, but we're not mind readers :-).

Ram Chander

Jan 20, 2014, 7:00:51 AM1/20/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Thank Eric,

let me tell you my settings,

First Machine;
(1) I installed node.js
(2)downloaded easyRTC application from easyRTC.com
(3)created EasyRTC folder under nodej server like "c:\\Users\myAccount\nodes\EasyRTC"
(4)copy server.js and package.json from node_modules folder "c:\\Users\myAccount\nodes\EasyRTC\node_modules\easyrtc\server_example\" to "c:\\Users\myAccount\nodes\EasyRTC\"
(4)open CMD 
       (1) npm install
       (2)node server.js

working file:
when I am opening easyrtc demo application on first machine("server machine");
  "http:\\localhost:8080\demos\demo_audio_vidoe.html" in two tab of browser, and able to do video chat and also able to see easyrtcid in console.

not working:
opening "http:\\xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:8080\demos\demo_audio_vidoe.html" page an other machine , and able to see html page but not able to do video chat and also not able to see easyrtcid.

my first machine('server') firewall is also disable.

Thanks for you kind support.

Eric Davies

Jan 20, 2014, 11:49:48 AM1/20/14
to eas...@googlegroups.com
and where are the two machines relative to each other?
  ie) are they on the same subnet or different subnets.

You should also look at the javascript console to see if there are any error messages.

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