easyRTC seems to work but with error messages

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Jip de Beer

Sep 17, 2013, 11:25:07 AM9/17/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
I have deployed easyRTC at appfog.com
See here: https://jipdebeer.eu01.aws.af.cm/demos/index.html

It seems to be working, but with error messages.
For example.

Error messages
Unable to reach the easyRTC signalling server.

Error messages
failure to login

Also some files can't be found (shown in the console in Chrome)

When compared to http://demo.easyrtc.com/demos/index.html it seems like something is wrong with my install.
Any guidance?

Eric Davies

Sep 17, 2013, 11:57:46 AM9/17/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
It appears to be taking a very long time for your websocket connection to be made.
The first thing I would suggest trying is removing SSL from the equation, just to see if it was a factor.

Jip de Beer

Sep 17, 2013, 12:02:25 PM9/17/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Really appreciate your quick reply.
Have tried it without https but results remain the same.
What should I try next?

Eric Davies

Sep 17, 2013, 12:03:30 PM9/17/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
You can ignore the jquery.min.map warning. It's only needed if you want to step into the jquery file.

Jip de Beer

Sep 17, 2013, 12:14:08 PM9/17/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
I'll stop worrying about the jquery.min.map warning then.
But I'm still concerned with the other errors such as "Unable to reach the easyRTC signalling server." and the fact that the websocket connection fails with Unexpected response code: 502.

I didn't change anything, just followed the deploy instructions.
What could I have forgotten?

Eric Davies

Sep 17, 2013, 12:15:16 PM9/17/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
I'd suggest setting your config.logEasyRtcConsoleLevel variable in the config.js file to 'debug', restart the signalling server, and watch the window in which it is running to see when it started and finished responding to a connection request from one of the demo programs. The debugging information in that window may also be informative.

Jip de Beer

Sep 17, 2013, 12:34:18 PM9/17/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
When I run easyRTC on Appfog I get the warning below:

info: Starting easyRTC Server (v0.9.0) label=easyrtcServer
info: HTTP Server started on port: 8080 label=easyrtcServer
info: Socket Server started label=easyrtcServer
warn: websocket connection invalid label=socket.io

When I run it locally, I don't get the above warning and all seems to work as expected.

info: Starting easyRTC Server (v0.9.0) label=easyrtcServer
info: HTTP Server started on port: 8080 label=easyrtcServer
info: Socket Server started label=easyrtcServer

When a connection is made, this is the output:

debug: easyRTC: Socket [7E10f0wy7pe4jAXPvQIp] connected with application: [default] label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=undefined, applicationName=default
debug: easyRTC: Socket [7E10f0wy7pe4jAXPvQIp] command sent label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=7E10f0wy7pe4jAXPvQIp, applicationName=default, iceServers=[url=stun:stun.l.google.com:19302, url=stun:stun.sipgate.net, url=stun:, url=stun:stun.sipgate.net:10000, url=stun:]
debug: easyRTC: Socket [7E10f0wy7pe4jAXPvQIp] command received label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=7E10f0wy7pe4jAXPvQIp, msgType=setUserCfg, sharingAudio=false, sharingVideo=false, sharingData=false, nativeVideoWidth=0, nativeVideoHeight=0, windowWidth=638, windowHeight=683, apiKey=cmhslu5vo57rlocg, , , applicationName=im, screenWidth=1280, screenHeight=800, cookieEnabled=true, language=nl
debug: easyRTC: Socket [7E10f0wy7pe4jAXPvQIp] updated user config info label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=7E10f0wy7pe4jAXPvQIp, msgType=updatedUserCfg, easyrtcid=7E10f0wy7pe4jAXPvQIp, applicationName=im, clientConnectTime=1379435122418, screenWidth=1280, screenHeight=800, windowWidth=638, windowHeight=683, cookieEnabled=true, language=nl, 

On Appfog there currently is no way to view the console when one of the demo programs makes a connection.
This is the log immediately after opening one of the demo programs.

# Logfile created on 2013-09-17 16:19:55 +0000 by logger.rb/25413
Skipping npm support: npm-shrinkwrap.json is not provided

====> /logs/stderr.log <====

debug: easyRTC: Socket [OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH] connected with application: [default] label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=undefined, applicationName=default
debug: easyRTC: Socket [OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH] command sent label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH, applicationName=default, iceServers=[url=stun:stun.l.google.com:19302, url=stun:stun.sipgate.net, url=stun:, url=stun:stun.sipgate.net:10000, url=stun:]
debug: easyRTC: Socket [OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH] command received label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH, msgType=setUserCfg, sharingAudio=true, sharingVideo=true, sharingData=false, nativeVideoWidth=640, nativeVideoHeight=480, windowWidth=1920, windowHeight=986, apiKey=cmhslu5vo57rlocg, , , applicationName=audioVideo, screenWidth=1920, screenHeight=1080, cookieEnabled=true, os=Windows NT 6.2; WOW64, language=en-US
debug: easyRTC: Socket [OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH] updated user config info label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH, msgType=updatedUserCfg, easyrtcid=OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH, applicationName=audioVideo, clientConnectTime=1379434803287, screenWidth=1920, screenHeight=1080, sharingAudio=true, sharingVideo=true, windowWidth=1920, windowHeight=986, cookieEnabled=true, language=en-US, nativeVideoWidth=640, nativeVideoHeight=480, 
debug: easyRTC: Socket [8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ] connected with application: [default] label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=undefined, applicationName=default
debug: easyRTC: Socket [8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ] command sent label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, applicationName=default, iceServers=[url=stun:stun.l.google.com:19302, url=stun:stun.sipgate.net, url=stun:, url=stun:stun.sipgate.net:10000, url=stun:]
debug: easyRTC: Socket [8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ] command received label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, msgType=setUserCfg, sharingAudio=true, sharingVideo=true, sharingData=false, nativeVideoWidth=640, nativeVideoHeight=480, windowWidth=1920, windowHeight=986, apiKey=cmhslu5vo57rlocg, , , applicationName=audioVideo, screenWidth=1920, screenHeight=1080, cookieEnabled=true, os=Windows NT 6.2; WOW64, language=en-US
debug: easyRTC: Socket [8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ] updated user config info label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, msgType=updatedUserCfg, easyrtcid=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, applicationName=audioVideo, clientConnectTime=1379434861130, screenWidth=1920, screenHeight=1080, sharingAudio=true, sharingVideo=true, windowWidth=1920, windowHeight=986, cookieEnabled=true, language=en-US, nativeVideoWidth=640, nativeVideoHeight=480, 
debug: easyRTC: Socket [8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ] command received label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, msgType=offer, senderId=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, targetId=OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH, from=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, type=offer, type=offer, sdp=v=0
o=Mozilla-SIPUA-23.0.1 8397 0 IN IP4
s=SIP Call
t=0 0
a=fingerprint:sha-256 55:73:DF:E3:3E:7B:E6:AB:96:CE:B5:32:04:35:D5:8F:C7:BB:22:DD:B5:AD:BB:66:63:04:E7:EC:F7:AF:5C:5C
m=audio 52648 RTP/SAVPF 109 0 8 101
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:109 opus/48000/2
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2111832319 52648 typ host
a=candidate:2 1 UDP 1692467199 52648 typ srflx raddr rport 52648
a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2111832318 52649 typ host
a=candidate:2 2 UDP 1692467198 52649 typ srflx raddr rport 52649
m=video 52650 RTP/SAVPF 120
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:120 VP8/90000
a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2111832319 52650 typ host
a=candidate:2 1 UDP 1692467199 52650 typ srflx raddr rport 52650
a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2111832318 52651 typ host
a=candidate:2 2 UDP 1692467198 52651 typ srflx raddr rport 52651
a=rtcp-fb:* nack
a=rtcp-fb:* ccm fir

debug: easyRTC: Socket [OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH] command sent from [8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ] label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH, msgType=offer, senderId=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, from=8TcszL9lRlLoQE8GuKvJ, type=offer, type=offer, sdp=v=0
o=Mozilla-SIPUA-23.0.1 8397 0 IN IP4
s=SIP Call
t=0 0
a=fingerprint:sha-256 55:73:DF:E3:3E:7B:E6:AB:96:CE:B5:32:04:35:D5:8F:C7:BB:22:DD:B5:AD:BB:66:63:04:E7:EC:F7:AF:5C:5C
m=audio 52648 RTP/SAVPF 109 0 8 101
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:109 opus/48000/2
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2111832319 52648 typ host
a=candidate:2 1 UDP 1692467199 52648 typ srflx raddr rport 52648
a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2111832318 52649 typ host
a=candidate:2 2 UDP 1692467198 52649 typ srflx raddr rport 52649
m=video 52650 RTP/SAVPF 120
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:120 VP8/90000
a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2111832319 52650 typ host
a=candidate:2 1 UDP 1692467199 52650 typ srflx raddr rport 52650
a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2111832318 52651 typ host
a=candidate:2 2 UDP 1692467198 52651 typ srflx raddr rport 52651
a=rtcp-fb:* nack
a=rtcp-fb:* ccm fir

debug: easyRTC: Socket [OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH] disconnected label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=OMpnhrrgb_3WhhvVuKvH
debug: easyRTC: Socket [UW9PL01DRMrGnt7BuKvM] connected with application: [default] label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=undefined, applicationName=default
debug: easyRTC: Socket [UW9PL01DRMrGnt7BuKvM] command sent label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=UW9PL01DRMrGnt7BuKvM, applicationName=default, iceServers=[url=stun:stun.l.google.com:19302, url=stun:stun.sipgate.net, url=stun:, url=stun:stun.sipgate.net:10000, url=stun:]
debug: easyRTC: Socket [UW9PL01DRMrGnt7BuKvM] command received label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=UW9PL01DRMrGnt7BuKvM, msgType=setUserCfg, sharingAudio=false, sharingVideo=false, sharingData=false, nativeVideoWidth=0, nativeVideoHeight=0, windowWidth=1276, windowHeight=409, apiKey=cmhslu5vo57rlocg, , , applicationName=im, screenWidth=1280, screenHeight=800, cookieEnabled=true, language=nl
debug: easyRTC: Socket [UW9PL01DRMrGnt7BuKvM] updated user config info label=easyrtc, easyrtcid=UW9PL01DRMrGnt7BuKvM, msgType=updatedUserCfg, easyrtcid=UW9PL01DRMrGnt7BuKvM, applicationName=im, clientConnectTime=1379435483212, screenWidth=1280, screenHeight=800, windowWidth=1276, windowHeight=409, cookieEnabled=true, language=nl, 

====> /logs/stdout.log <====

info: Starting easyRTC Server (v0.9.0) label=easyrtcServer
info: HTTP Server started on port: 8080 label=easyrtcServer
info: Socket Server started label=easyrtcServer
warn: websocket connection invalid label=socket.io
warn: websocket connection invalid label=socket.io
warn: websocket connection invalid label=socket.io
warn: websocket connection invalid label=socket.io

Rod Apeldoorn

Sep 17, 2013, 1:12:23 PM9/17/13

Eric asked me to a peek at your situation; it appears that AppFog is blocking websocket connections (at least via their ssl).

After the websocket connection timed-out, a connection error is spawned, and then Socket.IO reverts to an older method (XHR Polling) to make the connection. This is why the connections eventually do work.
All browsers which support WebRTC also support websockets, so we've had no reason to change the default.

If you are set on using AppFog as your host, you can try configuring Socket.IO to default to XHR-Polling via the io.set("transports",... command. We haven't had a reason to do this yet, so it may or may not work without also editing the easyrtc.js.

I took a peek to see if I could create a quick AppFog account, but they are closed to new users at the moment.

-Rod Apeldoorn, Priologic Software.

Jip de Beer

Sep 17, 2013, 1:16:10 PM9/17/13
to eas...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for all the help Rod and Eric,

I kind of found out that AppFog doesn't support Websockets at the same time as your reply.

They're still working on implementing this.
I wouldn't have found out what the problem was if it wasn't because of Eric though.

I'll have a look around for different providers, but I'm not sure I'll find another free Node.js host.
I'm working on a project for my study.
The 30 day trial some offer is not long enough and I wouldn't like to pay for Node.js hosting at this stage.
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