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Serialiser options array

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Frederic P1370WSK1

Oct 24, 2018, 6:35:38 AM10/24/18
to EasyRdf Discussion
So, the docs state that when using:
$graph->serialise('rdfxml') you can use an optional second argument array $options that hold serialiser specific options. So that becomes:
$graph->serialise('rdfxml', $options= array());

So, what are these options then? The documentation seems to be rather limited in explainining the key/values that $options can hold - or at least I can't seem to find them. My goal is to change the name of the generated RDF file to a server-controlled string based on the client's request for the rdfxml serializer.

I'm thinking it would be something like this, but without knowing the key to use I can't seem to trigger any change:
$graph->serialise('rdfxml', $options= array('name'=>'rf'.$data_id.'.rdf'));
where $data_id would be the identifier of the URI; so for object 100; the name of the file would be:
rf100.rdf in stead of the automatically generated download.rdf

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