✓ CNC 2019 Bioblitz Completed! We Did Great!

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Apr 30, 2019, 5:08:10 PM4/30/19
to EwA-Natu...@googlegroups.com

✓ 1st Phase of the CNC 2019 Bioblitz Completed! And We Did Great!

Bald eagle-.jpg

We're super proud of what we've accomplished together with you all these past 4 days (of the City Nature Challenge)!

Together we gathered 1100+ wild observations over 359 different species (in less than 12-15 hours of events total)! We covered 11 taxa over a category of 12! The only taxon that we did not cover is the chromista (see our observations » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ewa-city-nature-challenge-2019?tab=stats)

This year, we engaged a total of 75 participants+: 40 participants across 9 sites, and 35 2nd-degree participants (through the participation of the students of 2 of our high school teacher colleagues).

At this time and within the larger Greater Boston Area effort, we supplied about 5% of all the observations! Our top collector, who tried to record the distinct species we observed during our events, is the 8th (over 1087 observers). As for the number of distinct species, our top collector is 4th (this stat will get further refined over the course of these 4 next days as identifications get in)! Pretty good no?!

red-backed salamander.jpegNow worldwide, over the past 4 days, there were about 31,777 observers who gathered some 810,786 observations (of 27,817 different IDd species). Thanks to all of you who participated in the EwA events, our top collector for that effort reached the 295th position for the number of observations, and to date 259th for the number of different species observed.

For us (young EwA), that's quite an achievement! Last year, there was about only 5 of us doing the challenge and we collected 180 observations of 80 different species -which was already quite something :-)

You want to know all the exciting details? We'll publish a full detailed report later this year (sign up to our newsletter > https://www.earthwiseaware.org/newsletter/).

Stay tuned for the final numbers in a few days! And thanks again to all of you who support us, this important effort to document wild organisms worldwide. You rock! 💚

ⓘ More... CNC 2019 in Numbers: 
∗ EwA City Nature Challenge 2019 » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ewa-city-nature-challenge-2019?tab=stats 
∗ City Nature Challenge: Boston Area » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2019-boston-area 
∗ City Nature Challenge: Worldwide » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2019

Thanks to all of you again for joining this effort! If you liked it, please consider joining of our citizen science study in the area (> https://tinyurl.com/ewa-citizen-science

See you soon! - Claire

#biodiversity #bioblitz #natureDocumentation #citizenScience #openScience

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