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Save the Date! Participants & Volunteers Needed for a Wildlife Quest (2020 City Nature Challenge)

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Claire O'Neill

Jan 9, 2020, 5:58:26 PM1/9/20
to Earthwise Aware Discussion Group
This year again (April) we're participating in the City Nature Challenge! Quick reminder: this is an international Bioblitz --an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area

This is the 3rd year that we participate in. Last year, our team did great. Be part of it too this year! It's cool - it's fun - it's key (for science and the environment)!
Please join our Urban Wildlife Quest project on iNaturalist so that you get important updates and we get to aggregate your iNat data with our citizen science projects specifically.
(Click on the [Join] button in the link above) 

Between April 24 - 27, 2020, we'll also need volunteers (i.e. you) to help us record observations, e.g. taking and uploading photos of as many species as possible to record nature in and around a few parks and reservations in the region (in Somerville, Medford, Stoneham, Melrose, Malden, Winchester, Belmont, Cambridge, etc.). Contact me for details, or answer to this thread.

To our most experienced citizen scientists: we'd love to have you co-leading or leading groups during our CNC events (check our EwA CNC 2020 page for details). 


Cheers, - Claire

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