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🌱 Becoming Nature Aware —How to Start

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Claire O'Neill

Oct 12, 2017, 3:23:05 PM10/12/17
to Earthwise Aware Nature Circles

"Often the best place to begin is simply becoming aware of our existing relationships with nature. If you are breathing, you are in relationship with trees and plankton. If you are eating, you are in relationship with soils, untold millions of micro-organisms, with storms and underground aquifers, with plants and the sun, with animals and with the seasonal procession of the weather and all it brings." 

—Amos Clifford

Earthwise Aware Nature Circles

Oct 13, 2017, 1:28:34 PM10/13/17
to Earthwise Aware Nature Circles
Now included in EwA's Circles Activities »

We're trying some general/uniform formats. So if you like what you see (or not), tell us so that we can improve... Thanks!
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