May Phenology Roster created + CNC starting tomorrow

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Claire O'Neill

Apr 23, 2020, 9:30:39 AM4/23/20
to Earthwise Aware Discussion Group
We're about to complete and close our April Roster > here

Here's the one for next month! > here

Access as usual: <Month>2020

We have a good visit pace, so our phenology records for this Spring is good so far thanks to Kathy and Jen. 

Joe and I are on vernal pool duty we will be out there recording for the CNC starting tomorrow - and fill our CNC iNat Project + Jennifer's Long Now Boston CNC Project).
I know that Dan, Shilpa, Jennifer, and Bill will also be out there too recording observations. I invite all of you to go iNat this weekend too! All tour data will count towards our EwA data sets!

Cheers, - Claire

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