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📜 EwA Week Recap: Biodiversity Survey, Saving our Urban Insects, Fells Dog Poop Mapping & more...

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May 2, 2020, 10:03:37 AM5/2/20
I hope you're all doing well and staying healthy!
CNC, Phenology, End of Spring Internship, Online training and events, Fells Dog Poop Mapping campaign... What a busy week! (as well as the prior one was actually!) 

■ EwA City Nature Challenge Tally

The City Nature Challenge is over - and we did really well! Thanks to all who could join and upload their observations on iNaturalist. Those observations counted and helped both the Boston CNC project and EwA's CNC project. A few of our citizen scientists' obs got onto the radar of the regional CNC steering committee highlights reel, such as Joe's Chain pickerel and Bill's Trumpet lichen. Together, as a team (of 22 observers), we recorded 1703 verifiable observations over 575 distinct species (so far). 1703, is more than 10% of all the observations recorded by the Greater Boston Area project! I am very proud of what we've achieved again this year.

■ EwA Fieldwork & Online Resources

Our documentation of local biodiversity is continuing with the same vigor as always with many of us roaming parks and open spaces. On the right, an Azure Bluet sighted by Shilpa. Curious about our records this week? > here - 1703 observations total, impressive, no?

🌱 Phenology

This week again, Kathy took care of EwA's Long Pond sites; Jennifer monitored the Bellevue sites and our Somerville site. Thanks so much!
If you're out in the field monitoring on our sites, I am reminding you of our interactive site map, to help you orient yourself and document our species. The fieldwork roster for May is now available here.
🦋 I am also about to complete the preparation if the Fresh Pond sites and the Fells sites for our insect surveys. Get ready! 
[Site Logs] Long Pond fieldwork journal | Bellevue fieldwork journal | EwA on Spring Obs | Climate & Wildlife Watch journal

■ EwA Fells Dog Poop Map project (April records)

There we go! Our April Dog Poop records are in. It's been a very active month again with 97 total counts (58 validated)! You can visualize them in our Dog Poop interactive map (the icon on the left denotes this month records > click on any of those in the map and you'll see the associated data and a picture of the real thing).

Thanks to the few of you who provided dog poop data (sharing your photos) this past month. 

We're now starting the May poop data layer. You can help! 🗺️ Share the map - Share your sightings with us! ⚠️ We need pics with exact timestamps and location/GPS metadata. The best way for us to collect your data is that you upload your pics to a shared google album that we'll communicate upon request. Contact us at and ask us to join that album.

📆 EwA Coming Events 

No public in-person events still but we host webinars and virtual meetups. 

This past Thursday, Amy (entomologist and collaborator) and I we gave an Urban Insects - Help us Help Them webinar. Pretty good size audience (about 22) and it looks like it was very well received!

On the EwA calendar this week: EwA's Nature Virtual Hour | Tuesdays at noon (🎟️ webinar registration): This is a great opportunity to check on each other, share about nature's calendar and sightings, ask question

Check our calendar for this season's events >

To all of you: Stay healthy! 

ℹ️ More About EwA Citizen Science Program » here

Any question❓ Don't be shy. Just email me or reply to this thread.
Thanks and Have a Great Weekend!, - Claire
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