Aug 1st Night Insect Survey w/ Teá at Habitat (Recap)

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Aug 3, 2019, 12:44:23 PM8/3/19
to Earthwise Aware Discussion Group

Thanks again to all of you for coming this past Thursday to our insect survey at Habitat. Here's the recap of what we've observed together. Thanks to Teá for making her knowledge accessible. And thanks to Habitat for facilitating this event.

Here is our session log below. See also our Facebook post about the event > here
Our Site log is also publicly available > here

Event > 🐛 Moth Night at Habitat




Community garden + Lower and upper meadows

Surveyor’s Names

Nathaniel, Joe, Bill, Teá, Claire, Rose Marie, Kathy, Kristine, James, Allison, Joe, Roger, Sarah, Elliot, Kirk


8:00P.M.- 12:00A.M.


Clear and cool night / no significant breeze

Approximate Temperature

82-68°F (27.7-20°C)

Conducted Tasks
  • Intro to Citizen Science and its importance, EwA, insect decline, and Tea’s work

  • Tea did set 2 sheets: one in the community garden, one at the intersection of the lower and upper meadows.

  • The event was less about systematic documentation and more about discovering and enjoying night insects > Observed and opportunistic documentation of nocturnal moths and other insects who were attracted to the lights that were set up.

  • Walked around with blacklights to look for caterpillars. 

Session Records
Notes | Author: Sarah

So much diversity this evening! More so than at fresh Pond: the weather conditions were different, and on the verge of raining at Fresh Pond, while it was a good quiet and summer night at Habitat. Additional to all the arthropod observations we also saw a Barred owl, and many bats. Here a few arthropods we got to observe: White Speck, Damselfly, Gypsy Moth, Click Beetle, Wasp, Stink Bug, Katydid, Milkweed Caterpillar, Yellow Jacket, Virginia Creeper Sphinx, Cherry Scalloped Shell, Common Fungus Moth, Yellow Collared Scape Moth, Plume Moth...

Treehopper  [iNat record >]

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