📸 So many great winter sightings again this week. It definitely feels like Spring is around the corner! My personal favorite is the sighting of a woodcock in Somerville this past Sunday! Then, there are the tardigrades spotted by Matt in the Fells last Sunday. A last one would be the sighting of fairy shrimps right at the edge of a vernal pool along one of the formal trails that we explored yesterday in EwA's monthly Fells' Forest Exploration. For the sake of clarity, we did not enter that pool (also note that no one can enter a pool in the Fells without a permit). Those beauties were right there–visible–from that legit trail that runs along the edge of the pool. A treat!
📊 Thanks to all for great biodiversity records this week! - 176 observations total over 105 species. Curious about this week's records that have been validated by the iNat community so far? > here.
Running tally: 🏆 To date, we recorded 59,294 observations of 5,969 distinct species! Check our EwA umbrella project and see the details per site/observer & more... > here.
📅 EwA Coming Events
Also on the EwA calendar this week: EwA's Nature Virtual Hour | Tuesdays at noon (🎟️ webinar registration) » A great opportunity to gather as a community and share our nature stories and our favorite week's sightings. Don't miss it!
■ EwA Fieldwork (& Resources)
We're getting back to weekly phenology this week! We've added species and pheno-monitoring sites. Exciting!To all of you: Stay healthy!
Any questions❓ Don't be shy. Just email me or reply to this thread.
Thanks and Have a great week! - Claire
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