Aug 3rd Insect Survey at the Growing Center (Recap)

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Aug 3, 2019, 3:02:30 PM8/3/19

Event > 🐞 Plant Visitor Survey at the Growing Center

Thanks for helping us this morning! I'll go back to the Center this coming week and try to train those who are weekday people, and whom I have not seen yet (Stay tuned about when). Below is our session log.

Our Site log is also publicly available > here

Our documentation is listed in our Plant Survey Protocol here.
And specifically here are the info sheets that we used in the field with you:




Growing Center

Surveyor’s Names

Claire + Jeanine + Val + Renee + Rowan


8:30-10:30 am


Sunny & Cloudy / Rain forecasted for the afternoon 

Approximate Temperature

~77°F (25°C)

Foot traffic (low, medium or high?)

Low < 5 | Med 5-10 | High > 10

Medium ☑ 

  Observation of the Day: Stink bug  [iNat record >]

Conducted Tasks
  • Highlights of the 2 surveys that we run at the Growing Center to our citizen scientists + summary of purpose and goals + training of the CC app.

  • Photo survey of the arthropod along the upper path and at large.

  • Observed and recorded our 2 caterpillar count circles.

Session Records

Circle 1

FCO (1) ☐ FCP (1) ☐ FCQ (4) ☐ FCR (0) ☐ FCN (5) | Tot = 11

Circle 2

FCS (0) ☐ FCT (0) ☐ FCU (1) ☐ FCV (0) ☐ FCW (2) | Tot = 3

Notes | Author: Claire 
  • Soon, we’ll add the count recording to our visual survey (as for all of our sites). Today, spotted a caterpillar (likely moth) + a couple of Monarchs + Cabbage white + a cottontail + Honeybees and Bumblebees + Sweat bees (or Carpenter bee), hoverflies and Condylostylus flies + Oriental beetle + Stink bugs...

  • Note that the Biodiversity records are not showing all of today's records yet: once we have Jeanine's observation, they will be.

ⓘ More About EwA Citizen Science Program »

Thanks, - Claire

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