EwA's monthly organization meeting is set for this Thursday, June 20th, at 6 p.m. We'll cover EwA's projects and operations, share important updates with our collaborators and patrons, provide insights into our programs and partners, review recent science study results, and explore new initiatives. We'll also have an open Q&A session. The meeting is engaging, welcoming, and energizing. If you'd like to join and are not already on the invite list, please send me an email so I can add you to the Zoom meeting invite. _________ This Month's Agenda highlights: Before the meeting, please take a moment to read 🌟 EwA's Acknowledgment of Biodiversity, Land, and People. Thanks! □ News from the Community ⧽ EwA Member(s) Highlight □ Network & Collaboration Updates □ Participatory Science Project Updates □ Public Program Updates □ 2024 Events: Conferences, local science events, etc. □ Call for Volunteers □ Fundraising & Grant Updates 🗣️ We're looking for a treasurer/secretary and outreach-fundraising roles (with board track possibilities). Interested? Email me! - The EwA Team |