A Snowy Hike & Sketch (Recap)

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Claire O'Neill

Dec 7, 2019, 5:01:37 PM12/7/19
to earthwi...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, to all who came yesterday and were in the field with me and under the snow. As expected we did not sketch much, but we marveled a lot (as usual) 

A quick follow-up on what I'd say I'd share:

Here are a few species photo records from our expedition > link

* I talked about Suzanne Simard's TED talk (about tree communities and communication) > here is that talk [link]

* I talked about EwA's Nature Activity Embrace Your Tree Community for learning more about trees > here it is [link]

* Here is our Winter event calendar [link] (including both our Hike & Sketch sessions and our field science sessions)

See you soon! - Claire


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