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📜EwA Weekly Highlights: Red Foxes, Nature Documentation and Geology Walks this Coming Sat

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Claire O'Neill

Jul 18, 2021, 5:10:22 PM7/18/21
to Earthwise Aware Discussion Group
I am on vacation, so I'll make this weekly note very short. I think that by now you know where to find our visual nature observations, so I'll let you get there. I am sure that we have wonderful records again this week. Myself, I got to spot 2 red foxes yesterday evening while exploring the pilgrim tower of P Town. Of course, since on vacation I was not camera-ready  (only got to take a few phone snaps from afar)... So I got to admire them without the distraction of trying to get 'the' perfect shot :-)

A quick reminder before I leave you to return to my vacation: we have 2 great walks this coming Saturday: Bill and Joe's Nature Documentation walk at the Fells (morning) and Tom's geology walk in the afternoon (at the Fells as well). Check our eventbrite to register to either of them or to any of our other events > here

I'll resume the weekly highlights next weekend. Since then, a great rest of Sunday and a terrific week to all of you!


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