For those who did join today's iNaturalist Deep Dive webinar: Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoyed it!
I saw one question in the chat room asking the ref of the general wildlife ethics that we mentioned at the beginning of the presentation - it is directly accessible
from the slide.
If you have any question do not hesitate to ask!
If you want to ask your questions 'live', Aimee from the Boston Area CNC Steering Committee is running a
CNC Q&A session this Monday. Join us!
Finally, for those living in Cambridge, Somerville, or close to the Middlesex Fells Reservation, you might want to check next week's webinars.
We'll run 3 webinars (one for each location) that will go over the basics again and highlight what to expect at those locations and at this time of the year.
Thanks a lot for your time! And have a wonderful weekend!
Cheers, - Claire