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For those interested in the life cycle of the Bear oak: its EwA Phenoguide it out!

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Claire O'Neill

Mar 15, 2021, 11:41:40 AM3/15/21
to Earthwise Aware Discussion Group, Claire O'Neill
DYK that Bear oak is one of the first species to colonize an area after disturbance, which makes it important for stabilizing and shading bare soils. They are often replaced by taller trees as a patch recovers. Bear oak acorns are a particularly important food source for turkey and grouseThere's always something new to enjoy and learn when recording the seasonal phenomena on our local flora and fauna
To our EwA pheno citScientists interested in the phenology of Bear oak (Quercus ilicifolia), here is the new EwA Phenosheet  👉🏾
Thanks, to Caitlin for developing the content, and to Jen for reviewing it. Thanks to 
Bill, Jennifer
, Laura, and 
  for the photos! 
We just sent it to NPN for revision. And it's now accessible from the EwA Pheno Map.
Next phenosheet on our publication list: the Red maple probably (still trying to get a missed pic). Stay tuned!
#phenology #botany #seasonality #citizenScience #climateChange

Photo: Jennifer Clifford | iNaturalist record > here

Cheers! - Claire

+1 781-883-5970 | LinkedIn Profile


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