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📜 EwA Weekly Highlights: Critically Imperiled Bisons, Ecology & Geology Walks, and More...

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Claire O'Neill

Jul 25, 2021, 2:17:14 PM7/25/21
to Earthwise Aware Discussion Group

We had 2 great events yesterday at the Fells thanks to a wonderful group of naturalists. Bill and Joe led their monthly nature documentation walk in the morning, and Tom and Joe ran a geology and ecology walk in the afternoon. Thanks to all who joined! Don't miss our next field events.

Here's the recap of another busy week at EwA and a few highlights of what's coming...

📸  Many wonderful new records made it into the EwA Biodiversity projects this week again. One favorite: an American bison spotted by Bill, recently who visited Yellowstone National park. Not an everyday sighting in our records! It's also a good opportunity to remind ourselves that they almost disappeared from the American landscape, slaughtered for their fur, also as a means to annihilate the indigenous cultures that relied upon these magnificent beasts for food, cloth, camp shelter, rituals, and so much more. The bison is back to some extent (still critically imperiled), but nowhere close to the numbers that were once–Let's not forget that. They're Monumental, aren't they? 

📊  Thanks to all for incredible biodiversity records this week! 647 observations total over 351 species! Curious about the records that have been validated by the iNat community so far? > here.

Running tally: To date, we recorded 75,864 observations of 6,541 distinct species! Check our EwA umbrella project and see the details per site/observer & more... > here

📅  EwA Coming Events

Check all our public field events on the EwA Calendar: Events details & registration » Don't miss great opportunities to follow the rhythm of the season on our local habitats and wildlife!Space is limited for all our field events. Wildlife ethics is important to us and we seek to avoid putting pressure on natural habitats that large gatherings unavoidably do. We are asking our audience to register-and-commit to avoid no-shows (or cancel when you know you can't come)

■ EwA Fieldwork (& Resources)

We are monitoring phenology and entomofauna weekly at all sites. Our biodiversity and habitat documentation fieldwork is also as healthy as ever thanks to our group of core citizen scientists who simply rock! 

🗺️  EwA Sites Map | 🌱  Site Protocols and Guides - Field Rosters - Field Notes > All here! | ℹ️  More About EwA Citizen Science Program » here

Any questions Don't be shy. Just email me or reply to this thread.

Thanks and have a great week! - Claire

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Cheers! - Claire


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