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Recap: This Week's EwA Insect & Pollinator Surveys (Habitat + Fresh Pond Reservoir)

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Sep 18, 2019, 6:21:29 PM9/18/19

Events > Plant Visitor Survey (Locations: Belmont, Cambridge)

📸 Our favorite sighting of the week > This magnificent Forked-tail bush katydid on the right and recorded at the Fresh Pond Reservoir ( iNat record > )

What's Next? We'll do one last arthropod survey of our marked trees, and we'll do an additional area search or 2 of the meadows before closing the survey for the season. Then, this Fall we'll do the data analysis of this year's records (and welcome those of you who want to participate in this phase of the project).

Check our EwA Forum for our spontaneous surveys ( » here ). We won't schedule them formally on Eventbrite of Facebook to cut on the tedious work of planning across platforms.

Many of you helped and we thank you for that! Below are our session logs, and survey info. We'll be back in the field next week! ( Check the EwA calendar ). 

This week, we surveyed the following locations:

ⓘ More About EwA Citizen Science Program » here

Any question Don't be shy. Just email me or reply to this thread.

Thanks, - Claire

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