Aug 11th EwA Vernal Pool Documentation Field Session (Recap)

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Aug 12, 2019, 9:19:44 AM8/12/19

Thanks again to all of you who came yesterday to the EwA vernal pool documentation field session. This is important citizen science work! Doing so we advance scientific knowledge while protecting effectively those very fragile habitats. Here's the recap of what we've done and observed together. 


See also our Facebook post about the event > here

Event > Protecting Vernal Pools in the Fells




MHS Sites

Surveyor’s Names

Shilpa (EwA) + Claire (EwA) + Mike (EwA) + Kathy (EwA) + Stacy (DCR) + John (guest) + Erin (guest) + Kathleen (guest)




Sunny / Still

Approximate Temperature


Conducted Tasks
  • Program introduction to audience & DCR event shadow, including biodiversity and the need for its documentation (data gaps, surveillance & monitoring of invasive epidemics, fieldwork ethics, citizen science (need and empowerment in tackling the widespread science knowledge deficit, etc.)

  • Survey of 1 new candidate pools LWV?? [TBC] including phys. documentation + (US Army Corp) Pool characteristics recording ( > phys. documentation to be accessible in end of year report for pools with complete documentation).

Session Records
Notes | Author: Claire + Stacy
  • General: Candidate pool located. Pool condition: dry phase. Presence of one inlet. 

  • Filled Vernal Pool characterization form + took visual record of pool condition and phys. features.

  • Plant community (pool + canopy)

    • High bush blueberry (10%)

    • Marsh fern (30%)

    • Royal fern (5%) 

    • Swamp oak (40%)

    • Red maple (35%)

    • White pine (10%)

    • Elm (5%)

    • Green ash (7%)

 Note that the soil here exhibits features of hydric (wet) soils + moist, dark, organic soils are present at surface under the leaves

TODO: Claire to check with Matt PVP code.

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#vernalPools #amphibians #reptiles #wetlands #urbanWildlife #endangered #conservation #biodiversity #citizenScience

Claire O'Neill

Aug 18, 2019, 11:00:17 AM8/18/19
to Earthwise Aware Discussion Group
Update: Matt confirmed that the candidate pool is LWV4. Closeby is LWV3, that might be certified, or at least is close to one that is certified. One of our next trip, will be to get there when the pools are filled and see if LWV3 is connected or is the same than the certified one. We'll also keep documenting LWV4.
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