July 26th Insect Survey at the Growing Center (Recap)

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Jul 27, 2019, 1:56:16 PM7/27/19
to Earthwise Aware Discussion Group

Event > 🐞 Plant Visitor Survey at the Growing Center

Thanks for helping us yesterday! Here is our session log.

Our Site log is also publicly available > here

Our documentation is listed in our Plant Survey Protocol here.
And specifically here are the info sheets that we used in the field with you:




Growing Center

Surveyor’s Names

Claire + Jeanine + Renee + Elizabeth


9:00-10:30 am



Approximate Temperature

71°F - 81°F (21.66°C- 27.22°C)

Foot traffic (low, medium or high?)

Low < 5 | Med 5-10 | High > 10

High ☑ (about 20 kids + 10 adults)

Conducted Tasks
  • Highlights of the program to our EwA volunteers.

  • Review of the transects + explained iNat photo-documentation

  • Selected a few tree candidates for the caterpillar count + marked the branches, and set the survey plants on CC 

  • 1st survey of our 2 circles with Elizabeth.

Observation of the Day: Small Carpenter bee  [iNat record >]

Session Records

Circle 1

FCO (1) ☐ FCP (2) ☐ FCQ (1) ☐ FCR (0) ☐ FCN (1) | Tot = 5

Circle 2

FCS (0) ☐ FCT (0) ☐ FCU (U) ☐ FCV (5) ☐ FCW (W) | Tot = 5

Notes | Author: Claire 
  • Biodiversity: It’ll be interesting to record what the trees we picked are feeding. So far, herbivory is very low, which might not be surprising considering that most of these trees are non-native. The photo-documentation along the path might lead to more biodiversity as native plants have been plants. 

  • Claire-Todo > Check the dogwood spp., the Filbert sp. And the crab apple sp. On GC’s map.

  • Claire-Todo > Get Jeanine’s pics of marked trees (trees on iNat / tags from Jeanine’s shared link)

  • Spotted a monarch again, and a cabbage white.

ⓘ More About EwA Citizen Science Program » https://tinyurl.com/ewa-citizen-science

Thanks, - Claire

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