CDRN Bagged PC Quest Best IT Implementation Award 2011 For Maximum Social Impact

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Corporate Disaster Resource Network

Jul 12, 2011, 7:13:11 AM7/12/11
to Earth Savers
CDRN Bagged PC Quest Best IT Implementation Award 2011 For Maximum
Social Impact

Project with Maximum Social Impact: Aidmatrix Foundation - Corporate
Disaster Resource Network

An online portal that provides the right aid and resources to the
right people at the right time when disaster strikes

Shumpy Saini

Friday, July 01, 2011

With a belief that those who serve people in need shouldn't have to
sacrifice on the tools they use, Aidmatrix Foundation came up with
CDRN. It's an online portal that helps bring people together with the
use of applications for supply-chain management, volunteer management
and fund raising. People can enter their needs, donations, products or
supplies into the CDRN system, which is in turn accessed by a
nationwide network of relief agencies, corporates, state Governments,
federations, and PSUs. It allows donors to provide discounted pricing
offers as well as donations directly to various relief agencies by
viewing needs posted on the system.

Who all benefit?

NGOs benefit as they can spend less time on paper work and more on
relief work. They can post their needs directly into the CDRN system,
share information with other agencies and NGOs. This allows them to
react quickly when disaster strikes.

Private sector companies can become members of CDRN and offer their
donations. Since everything's posted on this site, private companies
can immediately find out when relief support is needed and react as

Besides private companies, CDRN also identifies suppliers and
manufacturers who can provide relief items and goods at discounted
prices. Since the portal already lists down the relief requirements
coming from various parts of the country, it helps targeting the right
suppliers for the right kinds of equipment

The Results

More than 4600 product suppliers and corporates have registered on the
CDRN system to offer their services and donations for relief agencies.
Anybody can go to the portal at any point of time and view the
requirements coming from disaster struck areas across the country.
Members can login and volunteer to help victims, donate, etc. A Google
Map shows the needs, offers, and volunteers needed across various
parts of the country. Moreover, users can post directly from disaster
struck areas to provide actual, onsite state of affairs. A few notable
achievements of this network are as follows:

Leh Flash Flood, August 2010: CDRN emergency unit responded quickly
with a rapid assessment for the needs and organized aid and relief
materials offline. With the help of corporate partners they
distributed blankets, solar lamps, cooking oil, at various relief
camps that were created in the affected area.

Punjab Floods, July 2010: The Indian Red Cross, Punjab state branch
highlighted their needs for clean drinking water on the CDRN site, and
the team arranged 40,000 water purification tablets from Akron Health.

Cyclone Laila, May 2010: The RRHEDS, an NGO with presence in Prakasham
and Guntur districts highlighted their emergency needs for instant
snacks through CDRN. This need was met through CDRN system within 24
hours and Britannia donated 45,806 packets of biscuits, which were
distributed to 10,000 families in the affected areas.

Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods, October 2009: Emergency needs
from voluntary relief agencies like Help Age India, RRHEDS,
Commitment, BIRDS and Jyoti Welfare Society were immediately posted
and the needs were matched within 24–48 hours. 4.75 Lakh water
purification tablets were donated by Hind Pharma and 64,000 Aquatabs
water purification tablets were again donated by Medentech. 350 kgs of
biscuits were provide to Jyothi Welfare Society donated by Mashika
Agro Tech.

Source :-
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